Monday, December 28, 2015

The Calm Before The Storm

Christmas came and went this year as well, and unfortunately it kind of went by too fast in my case since I had so much stuff to do. There hasn't even been any sort of winter here yet, so the lack of snow also made it feel like it wasn't Christmas at all. Still, Christmas Eve was enjoyable, and I got some lovely presents. Now it's time for reality to give me a big ol' smack in the face, and remind me that since I finished school just in time for Christmas, I have to find a job faster than the speed of lightning. Preferably, I should have had a job already the second I got those papers in my hand, so technically I'm already behind schedule, and therefore as useless as an old potato. Life is so enjoyable at the moment.

There hasn't been much time for gaming again, but I am steadily progressing in Fallout 4, as well as doing some WoW-stuff now and then. Most Christmas things are over now, so I hope there will be a lot more gaming soon. I even did some progress on my latest video, so I guess it won't be long before I can upload it.

I don't really have much more to say at the moment, so I better just go to bed.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Run for your life

So, a few weeks have passed since Fallout 4 was launched, and unfortunately I haven't had that much time to play... I now have around 23 hours playtime, but I would really like to have more... So far the game has been very enjoyable though, and I don't really have anything to complain about, other than the fact that I have to play with the worst graphics ever. Anyways, Christmas is coming up again, and overall that means less time to game for me, since there is a whooole lot to.

I have been trying to finish the video about skipping Tanaan Jungle quests, but it's not going fast. I started the project sometime late in the summer I think, same with the trailer I was going to make for the channel. I have a lot of material recorded for it, but I'm not sure when I will have time to continue...

I have been playing WoW aswell, trying to farm that goddamn felblight, but the droprate is really low. And the fact that the last upgrades cost 60(!) felblight each means that it will take some time before I have everything upgraded to max... But oh well, Legion won't be out until the summer so I'm not in a hurry... >.< I have also been doing some old achievements with the DK, as well as trying to gear up my level 100 alts. I also need to continue leveling my shaman, so that I could have Quintessential Quintet before next expansion.


Saturday, November 14, 2015

Humans Against Humanity

So, I'm returning after a "small" break... As usual I have just been mentally tired almost every day of the last few months, so that could explain it. Anyways, I have been playing quite a lot in the meantime, and I can tell you it has been mostly WoW. I have been doing some raid finder, heroics and different events with the DK, and other than that I have been leveling my priest on alliance side. She is lvl 100 now, so I have been doing some dungeons and garrison stuff with her.

During Blizzcon a few weeks ago, we got some more information about Legion, and when it is going to be released. In the end of the official trailer video(which was awesome btw), we get this announcement: "expected game release on or before September 21st, 2016". So now eeeveryone is freaking out, because "omg we are going to have to wait soo long, and I'm not going to do LFR and whatnot for another year, Blizzard get your shit together, no wonder you are losing subscribers", and similar whiny crap. Sigh. First of all, this date is the LATEST date it could possibly be released. Who knows if it doesn't get released sometime in the summer or something, what ever. The Warcraft movie gets released in June next year, so I think it would make sense to release Legion sometime shortly after that, so that potential new fans that wants to try out the game can start playing the latest expansion the same time as everyone else. There is a billion other games out there that you can play while you wait for Legion to get released, what is the fucking problem? I, personally, am going to continue to play WoW, as I always do, since I want to do a lot of old content and achievements, and now is a perfect time when "nothing" is going on in-game. If you don't have anything else to do than complain all the time, just dig a fucking hole in the ground and bury yourself. I am very excited for Legion, and I don't care how long we are going to have to wait for it, I have A LOT of other stuff to do meanwhile.

I could also shortly mention some other games I have been playing lately. I went hardcore and got myself a "graphic adventure" game(aka something like the Telltale games), which I usually don't play. Not that those games are bad, I just don't usually find them as exciting as certain other genres. Anyway, the game in question is Life Is Strange, and it is divided into 5 episodes. Currently I have played the first three, and I have liked it so far. A pretty interesting story, even though it is quite "teenage-drama" and over-exaggerated. Maybe a review will pop up sometime after I finish all the episodes. Other games that I have put some time on lately are Eador: Genesis and Fallout.

Sooo, I mentioned Fallout... Yeah, Fallout 4 was released this week and I got it a few days ago! I really have to say, so far it has been everything I expected. Bethesda didn't make me regret buying this game, it is truly awesome. The only thing I am sad about at the moment, is that eventually my computer couldn't handle the game, even though I thought it would. So at the moment I am playing with "extremely" bad graphics, which means that even the games lowest graphic settings were too much for my PC, so I had to manually mess with the games code to get it to run smoothly enough. This also means that it looks like something from 10 years ago, and you will probably notice that in the screenshot as well... At the moment I am just glad that I am able to play it at all, but I am in the process of getting some upgrades for my computer. I mean, this is such an awesome game, it would be a shame to play it through like this...

Monday, October 5, 2015

Free Cola

Yup, it has been some time since my last proper update... I'm tired all the time again, and days are becoming shorter and colder rapidly. School is still school, and otherwise I don't think much has actually happened in the world of me for a while... I have been playing mostly WoW, still trying to upgrade my DK's gear as much as possible. My warlock has also done some dungeons, and I got him to Tanaan Jungle so he can start doing dailys there. My shaman is stuck at level 94 at the moment, and a few days ago I started leveling my alliance priest. It's gonna be interesting to see the alliance side of this expansion as well. Other than that I have done some timewalking dungeons, and Brewfest stuff.

Some other games have been played, I continued my journey in New Vegas a few weeks ago, did a lot of side quests. Now I'm at a point where I need to go into a vault full of ghouls, so I guess that's why I kind of took a little break again... Well, I am going in there, that's for sure, just need to find the right moment for it. I am also playing this one Steam game that I recently bought, called Eador: Genesis. It's a turn-based strategy game released in 2009. It is an indie game so the graphics are quite outdated, but so far it is a very interesting a playable game. It's easy to get hooked on it though, I played like 3 hours today and I hardly noticed that time went by... Anyways, if I ever have time I will make a review of it.

Once again I have to go to bed, it's another goddamn Monday again tomorrow... I just want to sleep for a whole week, this is so much bullshit...

Monday, September 28, 2015



Donnie: I made a new friend.
Dr. Thurman: Real or imaginary?
Donnie: Imaginary.

Sorry, I just felt like venting today, just a little bit. I promise next post will be longer.

Monday, August 31, 2015

That's not my bush baby

Ah, another monday, sucking ass as normal. I decided to write this on the train today, as I had no time last night. The WoW-streak is rolling on, but I have really started to miss Fallout, and I suspect I'll be back in post-apocalyptic America quite soon. So, I was going to write when I got the apexis mount, and I have got it now. I also got the Mystic Runesaber as an anniversary gift from my SO, and it is also veeery pretty. So now I have two new awesome mounts, and I have also leveled my warlock to lvl 100. So something has been done in the world. Of Warcraft.

I am also just one step away from the Pathfinder achievement, I only need to get revered with The Saberstalkers. Flying is supposedly being patched this Wednesday, but I can live with the fact that I don't get it straight away. Draenor has been really nice so far even without being able to fly.

I will keep this kind of short today, I mostly just wanted to throw in some pics of my new mounts. I am also kicking my own ass most of the time, to remind myself that I need to make some new videos. My butt is starting to get pretty sore, but still no videos... There has been so much these last few weeks, maybe this weekend will be more quiet, and I would have time to actually do something. Anyway, the mounts.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Welcome to the(Tanaan)jungle

Yep, you guessed it, more WoW. I have been grinding apexis almost every day, and I'm very close now, at 130k. So in a few days that mount is mine. I'm also doing some progress on my Draenor Pathfinder achi(so that I can actually fly the thing later on), I only have to find a few more treasures and grind rep with The Saberstalkers. So, to sum up the past few weeks, there has been a looot of Tanaan Jungle...

On another note, today was my first school day, and that means I have a lot less time to game anything really for some time forward. I'm a little sad that I didn't have time to make more videos this summer, but I made a new video intro at least. I really like it, so I'm looking forward to actually use it in something. I'm in the middle of editing the skip-the-jungle video that I mentioned in last post, so that's probably going to be the first one.

Things will probably go pretty slow on the site up until Christmas at least, it is my last year in school and I really have a lot to do before I can get my degree. I hope to get a few videos up before my life force is totally drained. November will be dedicated to Fallout 4, that much I know. Oh, and then we of course have the new WoW expansion, Legion. It was just recently revealed, all I can say is that it looks totally awesome, but I hope they don't plan on releasing it too fast, because I'm not nearly done with Draenor yet...

Some time ago I also talked about making a page dedicated to browser games that I play from time to time on my Chromebook. I would really want that to happen, but I don't see when I would have the time... I recently found a new game to play, Call of Gods, and so far it seems really enjoyable.

Now I'm off to bed, it's going to be a loooong day tomorrow...

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Eternal sunshine

So these last few weeks have been dedicated to WoW, I have found the game to be more interesting than usual... Maybe it's the weather... Which actually is quite depressing right now, and has been almost all summer. Anyway, the DK has done a lot of normal grinding, and I'm also trying to get the garrison campaign achievement. In addition, I'm trying really hard to farm apexis crystals, since I reeeeally want the mount that you can buy for 150,000 apexis: Corrupted Dreadwing. It feels like it's gonna take forever, but there is actually a lot of ways to obtain apexis each day, you just have to have the time to do it. It can very well take at least a month or so for me, who don't usually have time to play all day, but I will surely post when I finally buy it...

My warlock is still 99, hehe... Haven't really had any urge to log on to him for a while, but there is no rush anyway. Instead, I started leveling my shaman for some reason. She was 85 when I started a few days ago, MoP went really fast, and now she's level 91. I actually did the thing with her where you skip Tanaan Jungle in the beginning and go straight to building your garrison. I had read about it earlier so I thought I'd try it out, it's not like you miss anything important, and I have already done the starting area two times before... I'm probably going to make a video about it later on.

But now, it's time to get some sleep.

Saturday, July 11, 2015


I have mostly been playing WoW these past few weeks, almost nothing else. Well, yesterday I started playing this game called Brothers - a Tale of Two Sons. It is visually very impressive, and it has an interesting game mechanic where you control two characters at the same time with one controller. I'll probably write a review later on when I have finished the game, after what I have read it is not supposed to be that long. Anyways, I'm going away for a few days, so there will be no gaming before I get back. Or well, I am taking my Chromebook with me, but I'm not sure if I will have time to play anything on it.

So in WoW I have been doing a lot of Tanaan Jungle dailies, I have picked up the Garrison Campaign again, and I did some Timewalking dungeons while they were up. Next weekend there will be WotLK dungeons available, can't wait! I really like this Timewalking thing, one of the absolute best ideas Blizzard has come up with for WoW in a while. I also really need to ding 100 with the warlock, he is 99 at the moment, so there is sooo little left... I'll probably do it right after I get back home again.

I need to get up early tomorrow, so see ya.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

It's none of your beeswax

Wow, when have I ever posted on two consecutive days..? Anyway, the reason is of course my meta achievement in WoW, and I didn't really think I would be this fast with completing it(that's why I made a post yesterday), but I had some spare time for a change. So, I had only one achievement left of The Flame Keeper, and that was the one where you dance around the pole. To be really festive about this(c'mon, it's a pretty cool achievement), I bought a nice looking dress on the AH, picked the Vile Fumigator's Mask from my bank, and set off to Crystalsong Forest. I picked this spot because it is quite cool looking. So, I got the achi, had a little photoshoot in the forest, and that's about it. The proto-drake is awesome, so glad to finally have it. Even though proto-drakes are quite "last season", I still like them a lot, in all colors.

As I mentioned earlier, it really has been a strange, yet enjoyable trip. Even though WoW is "just" a video game, it has also at the same time been a pretty big part of my life. See you in Azeroth!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Paper walls

A lot of exciting stuff going on in WoW this week, first of all I'm in the middle of completing the Midsummer event(it's going well), and patch 6.2 is going live later today. There is going to be tons of new content, I'm most excited about the Timewalking Dungeons, Tanaan Jungle, and the new raid of course. The only problem is that I haven't even had time to do half of the stuff I wanted to in the last patch... Everything is piling up like crazy, not just in real life, but now in WoW also... If that isn't depressing, I don't know what is.

Another thing I thought I'd mention is that the date for Fallout 4 is released, and it is November 10th! Well, at least I know already what I'll be doing at that point... It's also pretty close to my birthday, so I could consider the game a birthday present for myself.

I also tried to play Rome: Total War today. I say "tried" because it really didn't go well... I played through the whole introduction thing, and I still didn't understand squat. Then when I tried to attack the first town available, the enemies kind of wiped the floor with my army and I just quit the whole game. I suppose if I really put my mind to it and read a bunch of tutorials and so on, then I could probably understand what it is all about. But I'm not sure if I have time for that, with the upcoming WoW patch and all... Oh well, I could always leave it for later I guess.

Friday, June 12, 2015

So complicated

I knew I needed to make a post about this, because it is major. Last Wednesday Bethesda made an announcement, and everyone probably already knows what it was about... Yes, Fallout 4. It. Is. Official. No release date yet, but we will get to know more in their showcase at E3 this weekend. So far they have a trailer and a website, First of all, I'm gonna go full retard on this one, and say that I almost DIED last Wednesday when this went official. Like, this could potentially be such an awesome game, that we actually get a nuclear apocalypse. I'm not shitting you here. This HAS to be good. Go watch the trailer, it looks so super cool, that you will not believe your eyes... I just, don't even have words for how amazing this is going to be. Be there or be square, people.

I also bought a new game that was on sale on Steam, Lucius. I finished the game in a few days, it is a relatively short game, but it has very interesting features. I have already managed to make an info page and a video, so instead of me repeating things, you can just go check out the material I made.

Another thing that is going to be very relevant soon, is the Midsummer Fire Festival in WoW, which is the very last world event that I need to focus on to get my long awaited What A Long Strange Trip It's Been. It really has been a strange trip, almost 6 years since I played WoW for the first time, and I don't see why I would stop playing anytime soon.

Anyways, soon I'll be off to work! Enjoy this little taste of Fallout 4...

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Party Poopers

So lately I have been quite busy with various other things than gaming, summer is just behind the corner and there is a lot to do. But there is only one week left of school, and after that I start working almost immediately. Which means that I have a little more free time, since my schooldays usually are a lot longer than my workdays will be during the summer. So I hope I will have time to finish all those videos that I have been planning on making for a while now.

Anyways, I did buy DuckTales Remastered on Steam a few weeks ago, a nice little game that is really worth the money. It's maybe not the longest game ever, you can play through it in an evening if you want to, but if you really want to complete it 100%, it will take a lot longer. And besides, it's actually kind of nice to play a shorter and "lighter" game once in a while.

In WoW, I decided to pick up my warlock again, and actually try to get him to lvl 100... A few levels left. With the DK I have only been doing daily stuff and garrison activities.

But oh well, now it's just one more week of hell and then I can finally relax for a little while.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

The last stand

Well, well , well... If it isn't Children's Week in WoW again... I almost forgot about it, noticed just yesterday that this goddamn week almost passed for me. I checked my old blog posts, and yes, two years ago I wrote about this very same world event... Last year it seems like I missed this thing since I didn't write about it, but this year I decided to try this again, and... Well, I made it! Fucking yeah, the Children's Week achievement is mine!

For PvE players this is pretty much the hardest, and therefore the most hated achievement in What A Long Strange Trip It's Been, because of School of hard knocks. You have to complete four different things in four different battlegrounds. If you are really unlucky and have bad teams in your BG's, this can really take you a looong time... So this morning I started grinding BG's, first I tried out Alterac Valley. Didn't go well, I wasn't able to cap any tower, so after that one was finished I tried Warsong Gulch. Here I made a FATAL mistake, and I was so pissed about this that I almost thought of giving up. I . FUCKING . FORGOT . TO . SUMMON . MY. ORPHAN. Yes, I did it. It was in my second game of WSG, I actually managed to return the flag, and just as I did it, I realized the goddamn orphan was not out... So that one was wasted. Don't EVER do this, you will be so pissed... I somehow managed to carry on after this(making sure the fucking kid was out ALL THE TIME), and after about 5 or 6 more games, I returned the flag again, and this time I succeeded.

Because I already had one of these from earlier years(the Arathi Basin one)I only needed two more after this. So I went into Eye of the Storm and was prepared for a whole evening of grinding... And what do you know, I capped the flag in my first game! I was lucky here, we happened to have a good group with lots of people doing the same achievement, and it went really well with taking turns who got to cap the flag. Most of our team was really helpful, and I think everyone who needed the achi got to do it eventually. This went very smoothly. So then I entered Alterac Valley again. And I would never have guessed that this one would succeed immediately. I just ran with the group, went past a few towers, and then I went straight up to one, capped it without problem, and the achi was done! Wow. I'm so relieved now I don't know what to do.

I know there has been so much whining over the years about this achi and how hard it is, but I really have to say, once you have completed it, it feels awesome. It's not impossible, it mainly comes down to luck and how good group you have. But if you are really unlucky, and also don't have a lot of gametime to spend on this, it could easily take a few years.

Sooo, after this really long post, I can say that there is only one more world event for me to complete, and that is the Midsummer one. So, I have to play some this summer, no matter how nice weather it is outside...

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Been very tired lately, so there hasn't been that much gaming. I'm in the middle of editing a video series for Paper Mario though, I will at least make a playthrough of Chapter 1. I hope I will have the energy to finish what I started, so far I have only one 15-minute video ready. Anyway, I also need to pick up WoW again, I have been way too lazy with doing current game content... Maybe I'll make a tanking guide for some dungeon or something, who knows.

Oh yeah, forgot about Heroes of the Storm again. That's something I have been playing almost every day. Except for last week, I was abroad on a little holiday. The official release date has also been announced, 2 June. Was a little surprised on that one, thought we'd have to wait a bit longer than that. Well, it's good of course, HotS is really good for being a moba(I have always been pretty weak in this genre), and I'll say it again, I love the fact that the maps are pretty small and the matches don't last forever. I also hope Blizzard nails it again with this Overwatch thing. When will I get betakey for that one, though..?

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

When you comin' home son?

Been really busy with all kinds of spring things lately, have hardly had time to game. I managed to finish my Fallout videos though, so they are both uploaded right now. Other than that, I have only been doing some quick WoW-dailies, and a few rounds of Heroes of the Storm now and then. Although, yesterday I remembered a game that my brother used to play when he was little, and I kind of never played it even though I had the chance; Paper Mario The Thousand-Year Door for Gamecube. So I got it up and running, and I have a few hours of playtime on that already. I really like it, very nice graphics for such an old game, but I have to admit it's pretty hard. The hardest part is probably the save-points, which seem to be VERY sparsely placed out. Oh well, I would really like to play some more today, but as usual, it's bedtime. I'll just put up a screenshot of the nice little village I just passed on my journey. I could live there, for sure.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Everybody Hurts

Today I finished my Venomhide Ravasaur guide, both the video and the text part of the guide. It can be found in my World of Warcraft section. I think it turned out pretty OK, I am getting more and more familiar with the editing software I'm using, I really like it. Anyways, next up will probably be a Fallout: New Vegas video of some sort, as I mentioned earlier I am doing my second playthrough, and I thought I could make a few videos this time.

Other than that, I haven't been doing anything special... I have been doing my normal, daily WoW stuff, and some Heroes of the Storm. Oh yeah, I was supposed to make some video of that one too... Oh well, that will have to wait a bit, too much going on right now. If anyone is interested, my most played heroes at the moment are Sonya, Tyrande and Tyrael. I am really pleased with the free hero rotation so far, I have found at least one good hero to play with in every rotation. I am not planning on spending any real money on this beta though, I did it in Hearthstone but that was enough.

So, I'll just leave this pretty short, my head feels kind of heavy today. Probably just the weather.

Monday, March 9, 2015


Going to give a kind of quick update, I need to go to sleep right about now. Today I spent about 7 hours with Torchlight II, a nice little Diablo-like game. I played together with my SO, and it was really fun, I do recommend. I also bought Duke Nukem 3D Megaton Edition on Steam, and played a few maps. I do like old 3D shooters, and this "remake" version ran very smooth. I also played some WoW, had to do my raptor daily ofc(only two days left), and the treasure hunter daily. So, that's about it, I can mention that I also have played a lot of Heroes of the Storm lately, I am really starting to like it now that I have played it some more. I will probably do some sort of video or info page thingy about that, sometime in the future. Anyways, now I SERIOUSLY have to go to sleep, going to be soooo tired tomorrow...

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Carpe fucking diem

I put up a new video yesterday, a short little guide about how to farm rep with the Ashen Verdict in WoW. Not maybe the most relevant subject, but I needed to farm rep with them to get a certain blacksmithing pattern, so I thought I'd make a video while I'm at it. I am also in the progress of making a guide for the Venomhide Ravasaur, a mount that you can get after completing certain daily quests for 20 days. I'm halfway right now, so it's going to be a while before that video is finished.

Yeah, it has been mostly WoW for the last few weeks, and today patch 6.1 was released, so that got me even more excited. A lot of new quests, items and features. Sadly I didn't have much time to explore today, and maybe not tomorrow either, but in the weekend I will have a good look at everything. The new Jukebox thing, it sounds kind of silly, but I really want to have it in my garrison... Besides, I do sometimes like to listen to the in-game music, and they certainly have some really good tracks.

Anyway it's bedtime now.
Btw, I made a new transmog set for Missy, so I'll just throw in a pic of that.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Coming Around

I can gladly announce that I have been a little bit active this weekend, and I hope this little flow of mine doesn't fade away so fast. First of all, I completed all the achievements in WoW for Fool For Love, so now I am one step closer to the Violet Proto-Drake. This was not a very difficult achievement to get, but it involved grinding those Love Tokens to some extent. Oh yeah, and even though I ran the event dungeon every day for a week, no Big Love Rocket for me... I'm kind of joking here, the drop rate on this one is EXTREMELY low, and if I actually had looted it, there would probably be a few more exclamation marks on this site...

The other good thing is that I completed and uploaded another Sacred Gold video, so it can now be enjoyed on my Youtube channel. I have also finally started writing on my Fallout 3 info page, so that will also be up real soon. I have a small "vacation" in a few days, so I hope I will get a lot of gaming stuff done in that time.

Now I really have to go to bed, not much sleep this night I can tell...

Monday, February 2, 2015

Silly old hair dryers

I was supposed to finish the quest line in Sacred Gold. What happened was that a few days ago I kind of got really Fallout-sick and decided to play trough New Vegas once again. So now I have started a new game, and on top of it all I decided to start fooling around with mods this time. It's not like I went crazy on this one, I have a few extra weapons in-game atm, an interface mod and a weather mod. Oh yeah, and that hair style mod... Who doesn't want to have fabulous hair?

Anyway, I really hope I have time and interest to finish Sacred Gold, I would really like to do that. I hate to admit it, but I am kind of bad at finishing games, I have A LOT of games that are unfinished. Divinity: Original Sin was a game that I started playing sometime in the summer I think, and I was going to finish it before WoD was released, but what do you know... I only got about half-way trough. So some day I really need to pick it up again, it's a really good game and all. I also need to play the Fallout 3 DLCs, I have only played trough one so far, and I have four left. But there is just not enough time...

Oh yeah, I thought I could include my list of NV mods that I have been playing with so far, just for fun:

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Dark skies

So, it turns out that this years Winter is just as depressing as the previous ones. I guess it's just the lack of sunlight, because I don't really dislike the cold weather and snow. Anyway, energy is at zero, and on top of that social anxiety says hello way too often, and makes me want to crawl under the bed and stay there for an infinite amount of time. So everything is completely fine, as usual.

So I have been playing WoW ofc, but not as much as I would like to. I just don't have the time right now. I have mostly just logged on the DK to do daily grinding stuff, like the apexis quest, mining, and a few dungeons once in a while. Have leveled some with the warlock as well, but it's going slow. Besides that I have been playing a lot of Sacred Gold, it is a really good game despite its age. I am going to post a review as soon as I have completed the main questline.

Since I usually spend a large amount of time in the train and bus trough out the week, and I have a Chromebook, I thought I could just start bringing it with me and kill some time by playing what ever games you possibly can play on it. Which turns out to not be that much. I know the Chromebook definitely isn't meant to game on, so it's not a big surprise to me. I managed to get DosBox up and running on it, but I was quite disappointed when I still couldn't run Duke Nukem 3D on it. Lagged like hell. It runs sidescrollers really well though, so either it just can't run 3D games at all, or just Duke Nukem. I have to try out different ones. I have also tried out a few browser games, they have been OK so far, but since I usually have a pretty bad wifi connection when I'm on the road, it makes playing them pretty hard. If I find some really enjoyable browser games, I will make reviews of them as well.

Monday, January 5, 2015

The Kids Really Aren't Alright

Just thought I'd give a quick update, since I just completed the anniversary version of Molten Core, and got the mount. Well it's not really a big deal, since basically anyone with itemlevel 615 and higher can get it, but it's still a nice little achievement. And I was also pretty late with this one, since the anniversary ends in a few hours from now, and after that they remove this version of Molten Core, and you can't get the mount anymore.

So it was a LFR raid, and we all know how that can be. I have to give a little cred to this group though, they were not a complete mess, only slightly. We only had 5 or so complete wipes trough out the raid, and there were not that many Leroy Jenkins pulls. It took about 2 hours to complete the raid, not that bad imo. I must admit I died like a noob on Baron Geddon though, but I also have never done this raid before. I wasn't completely stupid, I watched a video of the raid before I went in, but I guess I didn't choose a very good video since I didn't really pick up that much tacts from it. The guy just went on and on about how retarded everyone in his LFR was, and once in a while he threw in something vague about the bosses. In a 25-minute video. Anyway, overall it went pretty well, I got my mount and the epic helmet that was going to drop, and it's all good. I could even do it again, if Blizzard decides to bring this back in the future.

I kind of forgot to take screenshots up until the very last bosses, so I didn't have that much successful ones. I wanted to put up one where we kill Raggy, but they all got really messy since Raggy is so big, and he didn't really fit in the screen. So I'll just put the Majordomo Executus screenie here instead, it's good enough.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Soya sauce

I got myself a new video editing software yesterday, and decided to make a new video straight away. The old one I used was too simple and missed a lot of cool features that I wanted. That's why my older videos have looked like a 5-year old has made them. Now they will look a little less like that, but there is still sooo much to improve... And I already managed to get really pissed at this new program, even though I made a pretty short and uncomplicated video.

So the name of this program is Cyberlink Powerdirector 13, and I might as well just say it now, because I noticed the program leaves an annoying watermark on the first 5 secs of the video. I have to work on how to get that removed, but in the meantime I'll just sit back and they get the advertisement they want. So, this was the first issue with the video. The second, bigger issue was, that my recording program somehow recorded the video in an odd resolution, leaving the video cropped so that you can't see my spell bar or my character portrait properly. The funny thing was, that somehow I have managed to NOT NOTICE THIS until the very last moments of editing, just before producing the final movie. I have recorded the video, converted it, and edited it, and still haven't noticed that pretty much half of the screen is missing. That takes serious skill. So I was pretty pissed when I finally saw it, but I had already put way too much time into editing to just leave it all. So it is up on Youtube anyway, in all it's glory. It's very much watchable, you just can't see half of my UI.

Oh yeah, I probably forgot to mention what game I even recorded. Sacred Gold.