Saturday, November 14, 2015

Humans Against Humanity

So, I'm returning after a "small" break... As usual I have just been mentally tired almost every day of the last few months, so that could explain it. Anyways, I have been playing quite a lot in the meantime, and I can tell you it has been mostly WoW. I have been doing some raid finder, heroics and different events with the DK, and other than that I have been leveling my priest on alliance side. She is lvl 100 now, so I have been doing some dungeons and garrison stuff with her.

During Blizzcon a few weeks ago, we got some more information about Legion, and when it is going to be released. In the end of the official trailer video(which was awesome btw), we get this announcement: "expected game release on or before September 21st, 2016". So now eeeveryone is freaking out, because "omg we are going to have to wait soo long, and I'm not going to do LFR and whatnot for another year, Blizzard get your shit together, no wonder you are losing subscribers", and similar whiny crap. Sigh. First of all, this date is the LATEST date it could possibly be released. Who knows if it doesn't get released sometime in the summer or something, what ever. The Warcraft movie gets released in June next year, so I think it would make sense to release Legion sometime shortly after that, so that potential new fans that wants to try out the game can start playing the latest expansion the same time as everyone else. There is a billion other games out there that you can play while you wait for Legion to get released, what is the fucking problem? I, personally, am going to continue to play WoW, as I always do, since I want to do a lot of old content and achievements, and now is a perfect time when "nothing" is going on in-game. If you don't have anything else to do than complain all the time, just dig a fucking hole in the ground and bury yourself. I am very excited for Legion, and I don't care how long we are going to have to wait for it, I have A LOT of other stuff to do meanwhile.

I could also shortly mention some other games I have been playing lately. I went hardcore and got myself a "graphic adventure" game(aka something like the Telltale games), which I usually don't play. Not that those games are bad, I just don't usually find them as exciting as certain other genres. Anyway, the game in question is Life Is Strange, and it is divided into 5 episodes. Currently I have played the first three, and I have liked it so far. A pretty interesting story, even though it is quite "teenage-drama" and over-exaggerated. Maybe a review will pop up sometime after I finish all the episodes. Other games that I have put some time on lately are Eador: Genesis and Fallout.

Sooo, I mentioned Fallout... Yeah, Fallout 4 was released this week and I got it a few days ago! I really have to say, so far it has been everything I expected. Bethesda didn't make me regret buying this game, it is truly awesome. The only thing I am sad about at the moment, is that eventually my computer couldn't handle the game, even though I thought it would. So at the moment I am playing with "extremely" bad graphics, which means that even the games lowest graphic settings were too much for my PC, so I had to manually mess with the games code to get it to run smoothly enough. This also means that it looks like something from 10 years ago, and you will probably notice that in the screenshot as well... At the moment I am just glad that I am able to play it at all, but I am in the process of getting some upgrades for my computer. I mean, this is such an awesome game, it would be a shame to play it through like this...

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