Monday, December 28, 2015

The Calm Before The Storm

Christmas came and went this year as well, and unfortunately it kind of went by too fast in my case since I had so much stuff to do. There hasn't even been any sort of winter here yet, so the lack of snow also made it feel like it wasn't Christmas at all. Still, Christmas Eve was enjoyable, and I got some lovely presents. Now it's time for reality to give me a big ol' smack in the face, and remind me that since I finished school just in time for Christmas, I have to find a job faster than the speed of lightning. Preferably, I should have had a job already the second I got those papers in my hand, so technically I'm already behind schedule, and therefore as useless as an old potato. Life is so enjoyable at the moment.

There hasn't been much time for gaming again, but I am steadily progressing in Fallout 4, as well as doing some WoW-stuff now and then. Most Christmas things are over now, so I hope there will be a lot more gaming soon. I even did some progress on my latest video, so I guess it won't be long before I can upload it.

I don't really have much more to say at the moment, so I better just go to bed.

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