Wednesday, April 8, 2015

When you comin' home son?

Been really busy with all kinds of spring things lately, have hardly had time to game. I managed to finish my Fallout videos though, so they are both uploaded right now. Other than that, I have only been doing some quick WoW-dailies, and a few rounds of Heroes of the Storm now and then. Although, yesterday I remembered a game that my brother used to play when he was little, and I kind of never played it even though I had the chance; Paper Mario The Thousand-Year Door for Gamecube. So I got it up and running, and I have a few hours of playtime on that already. I really like it, very nice graphics for such an old game, but I have to admit it's pretty hard. The hardest part is probably the save-points, which seem to be VERY sparsely placed out. Oh well, I would really like to play some more today, but as usual, it's bedtime. I'll just put up a screenshot of the nice little village I just passed on my journey. I could live there, for sure.

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