Tuesday, December 24, 2013

It's Christmas Eve

Hmm almost half a year has passed since my last post, I think that is a suitable period of time. You shouldn't do certain things too often. Not much has happened though, the world is still just as fucked up and people are getting more stupid every day. I have also been too busy to make any sort of uploadable content at all, some days I haven't been able to play anything at all(OH LORD). One thing that might disturb my site and the building of it, is Google. Motherfucking Google. Google used to be cool, now they are just sellout pieces of shit that wants everyone to join their little cult of happiness by shoving it down peoples throats. No, I don't want to have "all of Google". I enjoyed it very much when I had separate accounts for Youtube, Blogger and my Gmail. It's okay if they have an option for people to merge everything, but please stop this force-feeding thing that is going on... No, I DON'T want to change my goddamn channel name to my REAL name, do they think I am 90 years old?? And one more thing, Google: The Internship... Seriously. What the fucking fuck..? I would rather stare into the wall for a whole day than to watch that again.

So, after this little bashing session I guess I am off to bed... I would really much like to make some new content, but not sure when I will have time for that. I have been playing quite a lot of different games lately, besides from WoW there has been some Blacklight, Darksiders, Sanctum 2, Pokémon... It's only a question of time. Until then, remember these wise words:

"Watching porn is not like doing coke, fag."

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Little Wing

Well, I certainly have been doing stuff these last few weeks, but sure as hell nothing meaningful. I have started some "projects" that probably never will be finished, or at least not in the near future. First of all I started playing Psychonauts, a very cool adventure game. If I would describe it to someone I would probably say it's like a cross between Zelda and Rayman. Anyway I really like it, but it usually takes a looong time for me to play through these kind of games. Since I am also artsy as fuck, I am currently trying to make my first digital drawing using Photoshop. Things are not that great since I haven't got a graphics board, and everything seems to go in slow motion. I really wish I had money to throw around on stuff like that. If I ever get that piece of shit picture done, I will of course post it here. It is gaming-themed anyway.

I have pretty much been ignoring WoW for almost the whole summer now, mainly because I have had other stuff to do, but also because I actually felt a little bit bored with my favorite game... Today I decided to start leveling a new character again, and I actually felt pretty excited about it. I think that I have been grinding too much with my lvl 90's, and forgotten how much I love the leveling part of the game. So my WoW subscription is not going to be cancelled just yet...

I really have to go to sleep now, busy day tomorrow. Sorry for not putting up any new content in a while besides my shitty life stories, but just watch this cat send a fax, and you will have a better day.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Oh the joy

There are a lot of things that pisses me off nowadays, and copyright is one of them. Goddammit, the background music is blocked from my latest video on Youtube, and I am furious. The whole music industry whines about how difficult it is nowadays with so much online piracy, but still they drive around in million-dollar cars and live in big mansions and drink champagne for breakfast. FUCKING HELL, I just had to say it out loud. Goddamn those capitalist pigs. I hate people that think having a lot of money makes them better than other people. Fucking douchebags.

Anyway, since I am not easily defeated, I will be trying out other video hosting services, and I will make sure that the video AND the music will be uploaded, and the link will be posted on the video page. I'm out.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Hell Is A Place On Earth

Had a little break again, Midsummer is just around the corner and I have had stuff to do. My Dota2 video is finally finished and all I have to do now is wait for it to convert, and then I can upload it. I have to admit I hesitated a little bit with making the video after we were at a friends place(who happens to be a Dota2 geek), and watched his game. I was so TERRIBLE compared to them, and I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. But, I gave it some thought and made the video anyway. Because, let's face the fact; no one is ever actually going to watch the video, and especially not anyone I know. And as long as it's not a crime to make shitty, low-quality videos and upload them online, I can keep on shining. Oh, and about the music in the video: instead of dragging some random crappy dubstep-ish mix off Youtube, I decided to put in some of my personal favorite songs instead. I think the music in my first videos belongs to that little phase in my life when I thought it would be a good idea to put in tracks that most people find appealing and "listenable". Well, that phase is over now. My apologies to that one lonely retard who ever watched any of my previous videos and somewhat enjoyed the music track.

Whoops, looks like someone forgot to take their crazy-medication again...
Midsummer, here I come!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The little yellow god

Surprisingly enough, I haven't been that much in front of the computer for the past week or so, just had a lot going on. The only thing worth mentioning is probably that I finally made the stupid axe for my DK, so now I got a lvl 502 weapon. That's about it. I also went nostalgic and downloaded a Gameboy Color simulator + Pokémon Crystal, which probably is my favorite pokémon game among them all. Not that the original Red and Blue aren't awesome games, but I still find Crystal more entertaining.

I have also been working on a set of new intros for my future videos, and I have to say that the old ones look like a monkeys asshole compared to the new ones. I mean, of course I knew that the simple powerpoint page that I have used so far is utter crap, but I have been focusing on different things instead of improving that. Anyway, I really like what I have done so far, and the only thing that is missing now is, well... A decent video, to be honest. I haven't recorded anything even worth editing for a while now, mostly because lack of time. And tomorrow I know that there is a million things that I should be doing instead of gaming. Yer, anyway, I'm off to work now... You got to do something to pay for that WoW-subscription.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Fast dry

There is so much room for activities. Way too much. I don't have time with even half of the stuff I would like to do at the moment. Even if I ditched sleeping all together, I would still have a tight schedule. God fucking dammit. I haven't really had that much time for gaming the past week or so, but today I actually had a night off from work, so I have spent some time in front of my dear PC again. I also started editing a Dota 2 video that I was going to put up, but halfway through I came to the conclusion that it was all shit, and I don't want to make a video unless I get better at actually playing the game. So I recorded two games tonight, but they were both so embarrassing that I deleted the videos straight away. If there ever has been a game that I have felt like I will never learn to play, it would be Dota 2. I really like the game, but I just can't seem to get past the noob stage. Now that's called a dilemma, y'all.

Also had time for WoW tonight, patch 5.3 was released just recently. Great, more new content, and I am not even nearly finished scouting through 5.2. I feel like I am so far behind everyone else in the game, that I just want to puke a little. I really start to miss the WotLK days when there was actually not that much different things to do in-game... I don't remember being online that much more than I do now, but still I had decent gear and did all the daily and weekly things that were available. I also had time to level other characters than just my main. Nowadays you have to be online every single day for at least a few hours(per char!), to actually be something. Ain't nobody got time for that. People that have time to grind WoW all day long are probably cheering right now, but as a semi-casual player I have only one thing to say: fuck you all.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Wow, I finally managed to do something about the Minecraft page I was talking about earlier. The big problem about the page was that I wanted a cooler and more convenient layout for the pictures than what the Blogger editor had to offer, so I found a nice looking CSS based image gallery right here. I "fixed" it a little bit to better match my page layout and colors, but otherwise I didn't have to do much, and I like it so far. Thank god for all those hours I spent on HTML coding as a kid, otherwise I would have a really hard time understanding how to personalize this site as much as possible. Don't get me wrong, it is great to have pre-made templates and layouts available(because coding a whole site from scratch usually takes a while...), but there is always something that you don't like and want to change. Anyway, I really have to go to sleep now, otherwise I'll be a wreck tomorrow.

As usual...

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Insert witty headline here

So there has been a few weeks break again... This time I'll blame it on the fact that it's actually starting to look and feel like Spring outside. I have for some reason had a lot of stuff to do lately, and that has also drained all my energy, resulting in me sleeping way too much. Anyway, I have mostly been grinding WoW again, but to be honest nothing exciting has happened there what so ever. The only mentionable thing is probably that I finally scraped the mats together to make the Mooncleaver, Reborn weapon for my DK, but it's still only a 476 item. Now I'm just gonna have to go on for another few weeks, trying to remember to craft the goddamn Lightning Steel Ingots every fucking day, so that I finally can make the Bloodmoon, Reborn. Which isn't really the greatest weapon anyway. But I'm not known for doing the most smart and convenient things, so I'll just play along.

Another thing that really pissed me off more than it should have, was the fact that I didn't complete the Children's week achievement in time. God. Fucking. Dammit. So this means that I'll have to wait another full year before I can complete What A Long, Strange Trip It's Been. I really wanted to murder someone at one point. The reason was of course that stupid, fucking achievement where you have to run around in BG's and do brainless, impossible stuff. I am a person that only PvPs for fun, when there is nothing else to do, so that means I usually get smashed by real PvPers. Next years strategy is that I am going to use a lower lvl character instead. That can stealth. For fucks sake.

I really need some sleep now. Long day tomorrow again. I have been recording some dungeons with my warlock, if I have got time I will put up some sort of video... But I have said that about a lot of things, and nothing is happening as usual. I could use an employee of some sort to do everything that I haven't got time for. That will work for free, of course.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Doll parts

Got stuck with playing Minecraft again today. I get these periods when I just build ugly buildings in Minecraft instead of doing something useful. Or well, who am I kidding, I rarely do anything useful. Today I also realized, that even though I genuinely despise fake and shallow people, I sometimes act like that myself. Pretty depressing. I guess I'm just gonna have to go with the old saying"no one is perfect"and move on like nothing happened. Just like everyone else.

...Goddammit, sometimes I act just like everyone else. Humane or pathetic? I can't decide.

Anyway, after this little emotional storm I could say something less retarded also. So, I have been working on this house in Minecraft the whole day, and it's not yet even nearly finished. It's nothing spectacular really, but I thought I could throw in some pics of the damn thing when it's finished. Not that anyone cares about that, but I just thought it could look good on the site. I also had time for WoW today, completed a huge-ass bunch of daily quests with my warlock. Still that fucking reputation bar just doesn't seem to move forward that much. Blizzard, I love you, but sometimes I really, really hate you.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Ghosthookers in the sky

So, a stressful goddamn day ahead. Working the night shift is great for me since I like to stay up all night and also avoid as much human contact as possible, but every time I have to get up early after a nights work my whole day seems to go in slow-motion and I can't get anything done properly. I got a billion things to do today, and all I want to do is crawl back to bed. Just great. My friend wants me to come over tonight and play WoW at her place, but even the thought of how much updating I will have to do on my shitty old laptop to make that work creeps me out.

So tonight I will be leveling some weird alt probably, but that's also kind of nice. I have been playing mostly with my druid and DK for some time now, it was very refreshing to log on to my warlock last night. That was mostly because I need to level alchemy to easily be able to transmute Living Steel for my DK. Trying to make the 476 epic weapon that comes from the Isle of Thunder quest line thingy. It will be a very small upgrade since my current weapon is 471, but it's still something.

Anyway, sorry for not having more time to kill people with boredom. My planet needs me.

Monday, April 15, 2013


These last few weeks I have been playing mostly WoW, don't know if that's a good or a bad thing. The funny part about that is that I have not even been raiding or anything"hardcore", I have just completed old achievements and grinded rep, occasionally also leveled my druid. At the same time I am stuck in the middle of a guild move, half of the guild has decided to move over to another realm and the other half wants to stay. I am probably moving away aswell, just because I am tired of our current low-pop realm. But people arguing and splitting up and stuff... It kind of saddens me. I like this guild and the people, but I knew that eventually something was gonna happen that would shake things up. Or well, let's put it like this; I have been in a lot of different guilds since I got stuck with this game, but it has never hit me so hard to see a guild fall apart as now.

Okay let's talk about something else. The most usable random drop of the week: Aqua Jewel. It does not only make you swim faster and all that shit, it also gives you a cool transparent look. Not anything spectacular, but I like it. Heard it's quite useful in PvPing aswell.

I am a bit disappointed in myself for not having time to play anything else than WoW for a while now, but I'll try to change that as fast as possible. I was thinking about maybe starting to play Dota2 again, haven't played that since January or something. It's a cool game in my opinion, cooler than LoL, but the main reason I don't play it that much is probably because I kind of suck at it. But I guess if I put in some more time and effort in it I could suck a little less. Hopefully.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Tonight, on Sick Sad World

I have been working on a Noblegarden achi guide for a few days now, and today I will get it finished. Since I am extremely anti-mainstream and hipster-ish in every way, I got it done just a few days AFTER Noblegarden actually ended. Well no really, that was not intended... Since I was ill last week I kind of missed out on everything that had to do with WoW, because I was so tired that I only wanted to lie on the sofa. So I played Xbox every day, just logged in fast on WoW a couple of days to do the dailies. And on Sunday evening I noticed that Noblegarden was up(also forgot that Easter just had passed), so I desperately started completing achis since I am really trying to get What A Long, Strange Trip It's Been before I quit playing WoW. Luckily, due to the account bound achi thing, I already had most of the Noblegarden achis completed on my night elf from a few years back. So there was only a few ones that I needed to complete for the Noble Gardener. In my stupidity I didn't check the calendar especially good, so I thought the event ended on Monday evening, when it in fact ended on Monday morning 10am. Got very pissed about that since I had one achievement left that I was supposed to complete on Monday afternoon. Anyway, despite being on the verge of a breakdown I decided to complete my Noblegarden achi guide here on the site. And what do you know, I found out that it was possible for me to complete the achi even after Noblegarden was over! So now I only need to find a goddamn Goblin female, and then I am Missevil the motherfucking Noble. End of story.

Just to state more cool WoW things, I also got a Fire Spirit today when I opened up a Blingtron package. Didn't know this item existed, so it was a pleasant surprise, since I also am a slacker and haven't leveled my blacksmithing to 600 yet. I got 3 levels up, yey for me, and yey for Blingtron the moderately helpful robot.

"WE DON'T CARE!" someone yelled. And I shot them down. There was blood everywhere and people were screaming.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Supernatural retards

Okay, so I decided to pick up this site again after a months break. Breaks often do good to you. And from now on, I'll just cut the bullshit and be myself again. This site is indeed more of a tribute to video games than a personal blog, but I'll just throw in some of my own thoughts here as well, just to... Spice up things, I guess. Yeah, that's a good way to try to tell yourself that you do not blog, even though you kind of do. Moron.

I think this will be a good place to throw in one of those popular"morally-correct-citation-written-in-cursive-on-top-of-stock-photo"-pictures. You know what I mean. Ciao, Azeroth needs me for another few hours. Let's see if I come up with some good material for the site at the same time.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Mary had a little...

So, I started my druid leveling guide today, I have only had time to complete levels 1-29 yet, so check for updates later on. I also realized I should make my blood dk guide up to date with patch 5.2, but that's gonna have to wait a little bit since I have been quite busy these last few days. Anyways, daily quests in WoW are waiting for me now... Again.

Thursday, March 7, 2013


So, today I tried out the new WoW patch that came live yesterday, The Thunder King. My opinion so far(have only tried out some of the new dailies)... AWESOMENESS! To be honest I haven't really been super-excited about WoW in the same way as I used to since MoP came out, but this actually made me squeal a little bit. The new island looks awesome to me, just the whole dark forest/swamp kind of feeling is one of my favorites. And the Zandalaris are back, you gotta love them. The quests so far don't seem too boring, although every quest gets boring after you have done it a bazillion times... Anyway, I have to do some other stuff now, but when I get back home I'll continue exploring the new patch. So, you can probably expect more WoW stuff coming up here in a near future ^__^

Monday, March 4, 2013

A lot of nopes

Well I started working on my Blacklight: Retribution-page today, gonna be some history and info about the game there... When I have got time, that is. I just realized how much I have to do this week and I just wanted to pull the cover over my head and just not get up at all... So we'll see how fast I get up new stuff here this week, keeping my thumbs up. I btw did a solo-run in Naxxramas last night with my DK, but I came to the decision that I don't want to make a video guide about it, just simply because it nowadays is so easy to do, that it would probably be a pretty boring video. I might do a little achi-guide though if someone is interested, there are a few achis to do while you solo Naxx and I could cover them in a separate guide. Right, now I'm gonna have to get up and actually DO things... Depressing, ain't it? xD

Monday, February 25, 2013

Brass knuckles

The part one of my Commander Keen Episode 1 is up on Youtube right now... Part 2 is coming up soon, I just need to kick myself in the ass a bit to get it done faster... Anyway, I have also been recording some of my leveling with a druid that I have got, currently lvl 43. I am not sure yet if I should make it a lvl 70 or 80 twink, or just lvl it up to 90, but I'll have to decide that soon. The videos will also be up in some time, not prioritizing it that much though. For now, just watch out for Godzillas on the loose!

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Today I completed my Commander Keen page, put some history about the game there. I am still just halfway done with my Blood DK guide, but the tanking videos I made are almost done, just need to find some good music to put in the background and then they are ready to be uploaded. Slowly getting somewhere, but this is clearly not a one-day project...

Monday, February 18, 2013

A somewhat new beginning

So, today I decided to dust off the old blog and turn it into something a little bit different. I will probably put up some guides and videos for different games here, but it might take some time since I am known to be kind of lazy. Until then, stick around!