Sunday, December 25, 2016

Candy canes

It's Christmas once again and I'm up late in the night as usual. My holiday started a bit messy, since I had to temporarily move out of the house where I have been living since late summer. My computer is currently not availiable, so I'm writing this from my laptop. If everything goes as planned, I will be able to use my "real" computer again in a few days. I have been trying to play a bit of WoW on the laptop, but it's a real pain in the ass. I'm happy if I can manage to complete a few quests before it seriously starts overheating. I actually managed to play a lot of Duke Nukem 3D on Thursday, so I'm happy about that at least. I completed the first episode and started on the second one. Not sure if I play it all the way through this holiday, but there's a chance at least.

This evening I have been playing solely Pokémon Crystal on emulator, and I leveled up my Pokémons quite a bit. Tomorrow I guess I'll mostly play WoW or maybe some Steam game. There are soooo many games in my Steam library that needs to be played, I'll maybe have time for one or two this holiday. I also bought two new games today... Not really what I should be doing right now, but they were really cheap and I just couldn't resist.

Yup, that's really all I wanted to say at the moment, and I'll just throw in some screenshot of my Pokémon Crystal game since I don't really have access to my picture collection right now. I'm also too tired to start cropping anything, so I'll just shamelessly market the emulator I'm using. But that doesn't really matter, because it is a totally fine emulator, and I don't really have anything bad to say about it.

Oh yeah btw, Merry fuckin' Christmas.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

The Chronicles of Life and Death

No, I'm not dead, at least not yet. There has just been a massive amount of stuff to do for the last month or so, and it doesn't seem to get any better. This weekend I kind of ditched a lot of things that I SHOULD have done, and played Overwatch instead. There hasn't been any free-to-play weekend for PC since that beta thingy in May, so I just had to do it, no questions asked. I did record a few matches with Sombra, the latest hero, but I'm not sure if it was good enough to make into a video. She isn't particularly hard to play, but if you are aiming for something better than mediocre, it's going to take some practice. Anyway, if I actually would decide to make a video, it'd probably take some time before it would be ready. Like so much time. Probably more like never.

I haven't even had time to play WoW lately, and I'm pissed that I'm in the same situation now as last expansion, undergeared and no raiding done what so ever. I tried out some of the "new" dungeons, and they seem really fun. Goddammit, this sucks. During the Christmas holidays I might finally be able to just sit and play for a whole day. I could finally start leveling my warlock, and maybe get some raiding done. And eat a lot of food and drink a lot of alcohol. Sounds like a plan.

Anyway, I need to do some schoolwork now. I just might have time for some WoW tonight, kind of depends on how fast I get stuff done. In a way I don't want Christmas to come just yet, but it sure would be a relief.

Monday, October 3, 2016


Yeah, I have been playing mostly WoW these last few weeks. I'm lvl 110 and currently mostly grinding world quests and running dungeons. As soon as I have time I will also start leveling my warlock. The problem here is, as usual, that I have had very little time for gaming overall, due to the fact that I have just started studying again and have a lot of school work all the time. I'm also trying to work a little beside all this, so that means even less free time. I'm really trying my best to
balance everything in my life right now, so I hope that soon I'll have time to focus more on games and the blog.

I have actually played some games other than WoW, but very little. I have a phone now where I'm able to play Hearthstone, so I have tried that out a little. I also downloaded a GB emulator, so I have been playing some Pokémon Crystal as well. On Steam I tried out this pretty cool game called Dino D-Day, which is set in an alternate WW2 where dinosaurs are used in combat. I suck pretty badly at the gameplay itself, but I must say I like the concept. I also decided this weekend to return to Blacklight, so played a few hours of that as well. Wow, I can really notice how fast I get "rusty" if I don't play any shooters for a while, need to maintain that better.

Yup, so to sum everything up, I have way too little free time at the moment. I'll just wait and hope that things turn around eventually. Peace yo.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

School of Hard Knocks

Yup, Legion is here. Yeah, I have been playing quite a lot. Do I like it so far? Yes, very much so. My DK is currently lvl 103, but I haven't had that much time to play since launch, so it's not going especially fast. I suppose I will have more time for WoW this upcoming week, so hopefully I'll ding 110 before next weekend.

I have really enjoyed the zones so far, been questing in Val'sharah and Stormheim. The quests have been interesting enough, and I think the exp. amount you gain from them is pretty spot on. I have also tanked a few of the new dungeons. They have seemed nice so far, not too damage-heavy, but also not too easy. I also acquired my artifact weapon after doing a scenario, and I must say I like the looks of it. I know you can transmog it later on, but I think it looks freakin' cool already. I'm having a hard time understanding the "talent" system for the artifact weapons, but I guess I'll figure it out sooner or later.

I have also kind of started off my class hall thingy, so far the system seems pretty similar to garrisons, but the rewards are very different. I don't know what to think about it yet, since I haven't really gotten into it. It's pretty easy to collect order resources while leveling, anyway.

That's a summary of my experience so far, as I mentioned I'm only lvl 103 right now, but that will change soon enough. I'm not complaining though, I have enjoyed the leveling experience, so I don't really need to speed things up too much. There's a lot of new things going on in my life right now, so that takes up a lot of valuable gaming time. I just hope I'll get everything sorted out soon enough, so I'll have time for other games also besides WoW. See ya..!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016


Now Legion is closer than ever, and I have only played WoW these last few weeks. Right now the "thing" is of course the Broken Shore scenario and the invasions. I really like it this time around, I think last pre-expansion patch had too little content. I'm currently grinding nethershards so I can buy that pet bat, and maybe I'll pick up something else too.

Who wasn't at least a little bit shocked when they saw the cinematics for the first time..? I mean, there were already rumors about Varian Wrynn, but Vol'jin too..?? Wow, I was sooo confused. AND the fact that Sylvanas is new Warchief is just mind-blowing. She is one of my favorite female characters in the game, and I really hope she can pull this off.

Anyway, I have to keep it pretty short today as I have quite a lot to do. I am not sure about how much time I will have for other games up until Legion, but I'll try my best to fit something in. After the release we all know what I'll be playing solely for some time...

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Subject To Change

Coffee and energy drink at the same time, what could be better and more healthier..? These last few days have been solely dedicated to WoW, since the pre-expansion patch was released just recently. I'm really starting to get hyped now, one month left and Legion will be live. The new transmog tab is awesome, makes looking good so much easier than before. Some stats have been removed, so it looks a bit empty in the character tab at the moment. Now you can also switch freely between all the different specs of your character, which is VERY convenient in my opinion. Sooo, there has been a lot of small changes, and so far I haven't really found anything too bad or annoying.

There is one shitty thing though, and that is the fact that I did not have time to level my mage before the pre-expansion patch. From what I have read, scrolling through forums, you can not obtain Quintessential Quintet during this patch. I'm not 100% sure yet, and I guess I'll level that mage anyway, but most likely I will not get that achievement this expansion. Oh well, more leveling in Legion then I suppose... Damn it.

A lot of character abilities have been changed or removed, and I have to honestly say that I haven't really had a proper look at the new blood DK "rotation" yet. I also need to have a look at my talents, since they are reset as usual. There will be a lot of timewalking up until Legion, so I'll probably run a few of those dungeons with the DK. Otherwise I'll probably just level my mage, and have a look at other minor things that need to be taken care of before the new expansion. Yeah, that's the plan.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Join me in death?

Yup, I had a little break again. I'll have you know that a lot of weird things has happened in the past month or so, and I haven't had time to play almost anything. I'm not going to explain anything any further, but let's just say it has been very heavy for most of the time. I guess things are starting to get a little bit better now, and it's a good sign that I have had some time and energy for games these lest few days.

I did finish Postal 2 some time ago, yey me. Another game that I can actually say that I played all the way through, there's not too many of those. A grand finale it was, and I do encourage people to play it if they haven't already. I have also finally decided which WoW-character I'll be leveling, I'm going with my mage. The reason for this is mainly because he is on a server where I don't have any other max level character yet, and it's always good to have a few different options. Now I have about a month and a half to get this guy to level 100, and then that pesky achievement will be mine. I haven't gotten further yet than building my garrison, but it's a good start. I just need some more time to play, and then I'll be sorted.

Today I decided to play some more The Darkness II, and I actually got quite far. I am really enjoying it this time around, I love the game mechanics and the atmosphere even more now. I do have the same style of playing as the last time though, I like to put most of my talents in the weapon section, which means I like to rely on shooting everything instead of using the demon arms. Don't get me wrong, I do use the arms to execute enemies once in a while, but mostly I'll just shoot em' up. I don't remember exactly how long the game was, but I guess I'm somewhere about half-way through right now.

Yeah btw, I did go and watch the Warcraft movie. I have to say, it was not as bad as I expected. I can say that it wasn't really anything too spectacular, but I'll gladly watch it again sometime later. I left the theater fairly satisfied, and I didn't feel like I had wasted my money or anything. If I would have to give it a number, I would maybe say 7.5/10. Acting was good for the most part; to be honest I didn't really feel like the guy who played Khadgar was fit for his role, but it didn't really ruin the movie anyway. I think Legendary did a good job, and I'm waiting for the next movie. Go and watch it people, if you haven't already..!

Friday, June 10, 2016

Endless nights

It went from hot as hell to cold and gray astonishingly fast. The summers in this country never fails to amaze me. It has been a good reason to stay inside and play though. I have been working some more on my DK's gear, just to feel better when Legion is released. My shaman is now level 100, but I'm having trouble deciding on which character to level next. I have a level 90 mage which I kind of would like to play, but then there is that level 82 paladin that also would be fun. I really have to decide soon, to make sure I don't miss out on this achievement before Legion.

I don't have much left on Postal 2, so I'll probably finish that sometime this weekend. It has really been a fun ride, can't believe I haven't played it before. I also decided to pick up an old game that I played a lot in 2012 when it was released, The Darkness II. It's a FPS adventure based on a comic, where you play as a Mafia boss who possesses demonic powers. Sounds fun, eh? I really fell in love with the game when I first heard about it, and on my first playthrough I actually played as far as the last chapter I think. I know I rarely finish games, so it wasn't a surprise that I dropped it before the end, but this time I really want to play all the way through. When I played this in 2012 I wasn't really a particularly skilled FPS player yet, so I remember struggling a bit, but this time around it feels just right. Good to know that I actually have improved some over the years.

Now the Warcraft movie is in cinemas as well, so I have to pick a day to go and watch it. I'll be sure to mention later on if it was good or bad...

Friday, May 27, 2016

Sweet and sour.

This month has gone by so fast, I don't even know how. There is a million things I need to do, and now summer is just around the corner. One thing I managed to do though, finish my Overwatch video and upload it. So that's at least something... I have been playing a lot of Fallout 4 again, and I think I'm close to finishing the main story line. About time, I have almost 90 hours of game time already. Otherwise I have also been playing some WoW, my shaman is level 99 right now, so not much left.

I picked up Postal 2 on the Steam sale, it was only 1 euro so no big deal. I haven't played any of the other Postal games before, but I sure have heard about the series, so I knew what to expect. So far I have finished the first day, and it truly is a very cool game for its age. Who doesn't like walking around town and being able to do almost anything to anyone..? This one really is a timeless classic, it doesn't matter if the graphics are outdated as long as the gameplay itself is enjoyable. I do recommend it to anyone who likes "slightly" violent video games.

I haven't really slept properly these last few days, I guess I'll have to go to bed now.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016


The past 4 days have been dedicated to only one game; Overwatch. There was this free open beta since the game will be released soon(May 24th), and I thought I'd try it out. Wasn't sure about it at first, but the more I played, the better it actually became. So it's something in style with Team Fortress, and there are a lot of different heroes to choose from. I particularly loved the crazy grenade-throwing guy Junkrat. He is maybe not the hero that gets the most kills, but he can really annoy the shit out of the enemy team, and what's more fun than that..?

I got a lot of material recorded, so I'll probably put together some sort of collage video of some of the heroes I played. I promise I'll really try to finish it this time, even though I have been extremely lazy these last few weeks... It's really warm outside, I'll blame it on that.

So, now I'm kind of hooked on Overwatch, and it looks like I have to buy it... But I also need to pre-order Legion. There is way too much going on right now for my wallet. The Warcraft movie will soon be coming to cinemas, and of course I'll go watch it. I'll be so broke this summer.

Anyways, I need to start working on that video now. Laterz.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Where do you want to go?

A few more weeks has passed, not much has changed, unfortunately... It's slowly starting to get warmer outside, even though the nights are still cold, and I sure as hell can't put away my winter clothes yet. I'm tired all the time, and I don't get stuff done, so I guess all is normal then... One thing that I did today though was test out the video capturing device I talked about earlier. The first thing I noticed was that it doesn't connect to my Xbox. Great. Then I tried it with my Gamecube, and it actually worked straight away, which surprised me quite a lot. Unfortunately the quality was pretty fucking potato, but this was expected since it was a cheap device. Anyway, this didn't help me at all, since I mainly wanted to record from my Xbox. I guess I'll have to come up with some solution for this.

Another big thing is of course the release date for Legion, which was announced last week. So August 30th is the big day, and it was maybe a bit later than I expected. But it really doesn't bother me, since there is a lot I still want to do in WoD, and the summer months are mostly pretty hectic for me anyways. So all in all it's good timing, way to go Blizzard. Haven't pre-ordered yet though, but I'll probably do it now that I know the exact release date.

I have played quite a lot of Fallout 4 lately, and I have finally progressed some in the main questline. Not dropping any spoilers here, but the huge plot-twist with Shaun and the Institute was really mind-blowing... It almost feels like a completely different game once you find out about it. I don't even know if I'm okay with it, the story kind of took a little hit there. We'll see how it progresses from here, at least it made things interesting enough again...

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The Beautiful People

There has been so much going on lately, I don't even know how to sort it all out... Spring has already started, and that means that there's a loooot of stuff to do. I have had some time for a few games though, mostly WoW of course. I have done a few achis, and I also picked up that legendary quest chain again. I also continued leveling my shaman, she is lvl 95 soon. So very basic stuff, but still some progress.

This last week I have also started playing Final Fantasy 13-2 again. I got it when it was pretty new, but I didn't play many hours before I put it down. The reason was that I didn't understand the talent and battle system, so I got overwhelmed by the difficulty of the game right in the beginning. This time around I read a few guides, and it seems a bit clearer to me now. The game is still very difficult, at least for me for some reason... I have played on easy the whole time, and still I have had a lot of trouble with some bosses. I know these games are not supposed to be easy though, and you really feel like a king when you finally down that goddamn boss. I am only about 8 hours or so into the game right now, let's see how it develops. I really like it so far, but if it keeps on getting much more difficult, I might have to put it down again...

Anyway, I ordered a capturing device today, so it should probably arrive pretty soon. Then I'll hook it up and hope that the quality is acceptable... I'm a bit afraid about that, because it was a cheap one. But I can only blame myself for that, I guess. Yeah, I am going to have to go to bed now, it's almost dawn here.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Flying low

About a week ago I decided to pick up another project, another blog to be exact. I really like the concept of this blog, but it was still a very stupid idea, since I have more than enough to do at the moment. I'll tell you more about this blog later on, when I have really got it up and running, so to speak. What I can say at this point though, is that it's WoW themed, so if you're not interested in the game, this will not be a blog for you.

WoW is actually what I have been playing mostly these last few weeks, I have picked up a few achievements, and continued collecting felblight for my armor upgrades. I was considering putting some time into the current legendary questline, but I'm not sure about that yet, I'll have to check out some guide first.

I picked up Fallout 4 again a few days ago, felt really nice to play it again after a little break..! I continued on the main storyline, and made quite a progress. It really is a cool game, still sad about the fact that my graphics are so terrible. I might be able to scrape some money together before summer to get a better graphics card, would also be nice to play Legion on ultra graphics.

I have also continued some on Dragon Age: Origins, but sadly I do not yet have any capturing device so that I could show my progress... I was planning on going to this store next week, where I know they would have a good option for me, so we'll see.

Now I also have to mention, yeah I have got my Ironbound Wraithcharger, finally..! It looks really cool, and it was really worth the wait. Of course I'll throw in a little picture I took while running some errands in Western Plaguelands.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Dark Clouds

Now I have finished the playthrough of the first episode of Starshine Legacy, and I'm uploading videos at a steady pace. The stupid thing is of course the 15 minute time limit, so the longer chapters needs to be divided into two separate videos. Anyway, as soon as I have all the videos from this first game uploaded, I will start playing the next episode.

In the meantime I have been playing some Xbox, it really is a long while ago since last time. We have had a Xbox 360 for many years, but at some point our TV broke and I kind of stopped playing for quite some time. Now it is hooked up to an old monitor we had laying around, so the quality is not really the best(and it's a pretty small monitor), but it works fine. I bought a few used Xbox games sometime after Christmas, and one of them was Dragon Age: Origins, which I'm playing right now. I have a dilemma though, and that is the fact that I am not able to take any screenshots at the moment... I really thought the Xbox 360 would be "advanced" enough to be able to take screenies, but no... I overall thought that video capturing for consoles would have been a easy job nowadays, but that's not really the case, unless you are able to spend several hundred euros on equipment. So I don't know exactly what I'm going to do about all the console games I have lying around, it smells a bit like I have to run them on an emulator in my PC... Which is not nearly as fun as actually playing them "for real". But yeah, I don't really know at the moment, I have to look up some options and see what I can do. Until next time!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Who let the dorks out?

I thought I'd make a quick update on what has been going on lately. First of all, my Mission Kellogg's review is ready and published, and I have uploaded almost all the videos(only the last one left to finish). I already started on my next "project", which is one of those horse games that I mentioned earlier. So far I have completed 4 of the chapters in the game, but I'm not sure how many there even are. The chapters are completed very fast, so I hope there are quite a few left, or else the whole game is going to be disappointingly short.

I also had these other two horse games that I thought I'd play next, but when I opened up the CD-case of the first one I noticed that there was a different game inside... On the bright side, I have been looking for this "lost" game for a while, but now I still have to find the CD for this game that actually was supposed to be there. I reeeeally hope the game is somewhere still at my parents house, but I actually have no clue where I have seen it the last time, it's a game that I haven't played for at least 10 years... I'll see what I can do, it was really one of my favorite horse games back in the day.

Regarding WoW, I recently recorded some dungeon-stuff and thought I'd make a few dungeon tanking guides. Yeah, I know it's pretty much totally unnecessary to make them now, when the expansion is reaching its end, but I rarely listen to reason. Tanking guides it is. If I ever have time to make them, we'll see... Right now my main goal is to grind as many Love Tokens as I can during Love is in the Air, so that I can buy that pesky mount that I wanted already last year. Unfortunately I discovered pretty late that this event is actually in progress, so I don't have many days left to collect those tokens. But I calculated that if I do all the dailies every day from now until the event ends, I might just get enough to buy it... We'll see, at least I am trying.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016


One of the most awesome things about WoW(that a lot of people maybe don't think about)is the music. Right now I'm listening to a mixed WoW soundtrack, with music from mostly older zones. It is incredible how much you can remember from the game throughout the years just from these specific soundtracks... Yup, it's that nostalgia again.

Well, I have been doing something a bit different lately, I decided to play through a childhood game of mine; Mission Kellogg's. It's a pretty basic platformer(Donkey Kong Country style), where you play as some of the Kellogg's cereal mascots. Yeah, it's just a shameless marketing game, I know, but it is actually still very playable. I have been adding videos to my channel whenever they have been ready, and I'm like halfway through now. I will also do a review on it, I promise this time.

There will maybe be some other interesting games coming up soon, since I went to my parents house yesterday and found a bunch of old PC-games I used to play as a kid. I was a real horse-freak back then, so almost half of my PC-games were horse-related. Some of them might still be fun to play though, so I'll look into it when Mission Kellogg's is finished.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Alone In The Darkness

Have had a little break again with writing, mostly just because of exhaustion. This first month of the year has felt like it would never end, and I have accomplished almost nothing significant, just as frosting on the cake. Just another season in fucking-loser-land.

I have played Fallout 4 quite a bit, at the moment I'm mostly doing side-quests and actually haven't progressed in the main story line for a while. I have to pick that up again, at the moment I am supposed to go into the Glowing Sea to find some guy. But there is truly a lot to explore in this game, so I guess that's why I have been doing other stuff. I am currently making a little Fallout-video with "funny moments" or something similar, let's see when that gets finished...

There has also been  a lot of WoW, this weekend I did a lot of old achievements, and also some timewalking since it was Cataclysm week. Next time when the WotLK timewalking comes up(sometime in March), I will finally be able to buy the super awesome mount that I have been collecting badges for since this all started, the Ironbound Wraithcharger.

So, as I mentioned I have been doing old achis, I thought I would focus on some raid and dungeon achis for a while. I completed the Glory of the Cataclysm Hero and got my cool Volcanic Stone Drake. I also completed the Glory of the Raider 10-player, now I just have to get the 25-man version as well... Then there was the Glory of the Ulduar Raider 25-player... I had almost all of the achis contained in this one from before, there was only 2 missing, and one of them was Iron Dwarf, Medium Rare. I actually tried completing this a few weeks ago, but I gave up after a few tries then. Now I was determined to get this somewhat buggy achi, since I really wanted the proto-drake that comes with Glory of the Ulduar Raider. There was a lot of complaining on forums about this particular achievement, since it seemed like you wouldn't get credit for the dwarves even though Razorscale kills them with the flame breath. I indeed discovered that this was true, and after about 10 attempts where I tried various tactics without any success, I read this forum post about where you can "trick" the game into believing the flame breath has killed the dwarves, when in fact you do it yourself. So I got Razorscale grounded, and rounded up a whole bunch of dwarves. So at the exact moment when Razorscale casts the flame breath(the dwarves turn blue for a second), I Blood Boiled the shit out of those dwarves, and got the achievement. So if you attempt to solo this, just round up the dwarves in front of Razorscale, and right when she casts the flame breath(all the dwarves turn blue)you use some aoe-attack that wipes them out in one hit. This was what worked for me finally, and goddamn I was happy after that...

Now it's bedtime, I stayed up way too long as usual.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

What's My Age Again..?

It's a new year again, and it hasn't started off quite as spectacularly as I would have hoped. Still, I'm alive and seemingly healthy, so let's not dwell on that any more than necessary... I have been making progress in WoW and Fallout 4, as planned, but I also picked up a new game on the Steam sales that has been taking up most of my time this past week, The Witcher. Yes, it's the first game in the series, and I am fully aware that there is a third game out already, but why not start from the beginning? And it was cheap... So far I have loved it, role-playing at its finest, and it sports an interesting battle-system. I'm currently in the beginning of chapter 3, which should mean that I am soon half-way in the game. As I said, it's very interesting, even though it seems like the main character Geralt has the ability to fuck almost every female character in the game... Nothing to complain about, but is he really that charming..?

On another note, I have uploaded two new videos on my channel. It's the WoW-video I have been talking about for some time now(finally), and a short Fallout 4-video that I made kind of spontaneously. I started recording some stuff in The Witcher now as well, so let's hope that I have time to make a video of that too.

Anyways, I thought I'd keep it simple today and not complain about my life too much, so I'll just leave this here and go to bed.