Friday, May 27, 2016

Sweet and sour.

This month has gone by so fast, I don't even know how. There is a million things I need to do, and now summer is just around the corner. One thing I managed to do though, finish my Overwatch video and upload it. So that's at least something... I have been playing a lot of Fallout 4 again, and I think I'm close to finishing the main story line. About time, I have almost 90 hours of game time already. Otherwise I have also been playing some WoW, my shaman is level 99 right now, so not much left.

I picked up Postal 2 on the Steam sale, it was only 1 euro so no big deal. I haven't played any of the other Postal games before, but I sure have heard about the series, so I knew what to expect. So far I have finished the first day, and it truly is a very cool game for its age. Who doesn't like walking around town and being able to do almost anything to anyone..? This one really is a timeless classic, it doesn't matter if the graphics are outdated as long as the gameplay itself is enjoyable. I do recommend it to anyone who likes "slightly" violent video games.

I haven't really slept properly these last few days, I guess I'll have to go to bed now.

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