Thursday, July 28, 2016

Subject To Change

Coffee and energy drink at the same time, what could be better and more healthier..? These last few days have been solely dedicated to WoW, since the pre-expansion patch was released just recently. I'm really starting to get hyped now, one month left and Legion will be live. The new transmog tab is awesome, makes looking good so much easier than before. Some stats have been removed, so it looks a bit empty in the character tab at the moment. Now you can also switch freely between all the different specs of your character, which is VERY convenient in my opinion. Sooo, there has been a lot of small changes, and so far I haven't really found anything too bad or annoying.

There is one shitty thing though, and that is the fact that I did not have time to level my mage before the pre-expansion patch. From what I have read, scrolling through forums, you can not obtain Quintessential Quintet during this patch. I'm not 100% sure yet, and I guess I'll level that mage anyway, but most likely I will not get that achievement this expansion. Oh well, more leveling in Legion then I suppose... Damn it.

A lot of character abilities have been changed or removed, and I have to honestly say that I haven't really had a proper look at the new blood DK "rotation" yet. I also need to have a look at my talents, since they are reset as usual. There will be a lot of timewalking up until Legion, so I'll probably run a few of those dungeons with the DK. Otherwise I'll probably just level my mage, and have a look at other minor things that need to be taken care of before the new expansion. Yeah, that's the plan.

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