Friday, July 15, 2016

Join me in death?

Yup, I had a little break again. I'll have you know that a lot of weird things has happened in the past month or so, and I haven't had time to play almost anything. I'm not going to explain anything any further, but let's just say it has been very heavy for most of the time. I guess things are starting to get a little bit better now, and it's a good sign that I have had some time and energy for games these lest few days.

I did finish Postal 2 some time ago, yey me. Another game that I can actually say that I played all the way through, there's not too many of those. A grand finale it was, and I do encourage people to play it if they haven't already. I have also finally decided which WoW-character I'll be leveling, I'm going with my mage. The reason for this is mainly because he is on a server where I don't have any other max level character yet, and it's always good to have a few different options. Now I have about a month and a half to get this guy to level 100, and then that pesky achievement will be mine. I haven't gotten further yet than building my garrison, but it's a good start. I just need some more time to play, and then I'll be sorted.

Today I decided to play some more The Darkness II, and I actually got quite far. I am really enjoying it this time around, I love the game mechanics and the atmosphere even more now. I do have the same style of playing as the last time though, I like to put most of my talents in the weapon section, which means I like to rely on shooting everything instead of using the demon arms. Don't get me wrong, I do use the arms to execute enemies once in a while, but mostly I'll just shoot em' up. I don't remember exactly how long the game was, but I guess I'm somewhere about half-way through right now.

Yeah btw, I did go and watch the Warcraft movie. I have to say, it was not as bad as I expected. I can say that it wasn't really anything too spectacular, but I'll gladly watch it again sometime later. I left the theater fairly satisfied, and I didn't feel like I had wasted my money or anything. If I would have to give it a number, I would maybe say 7.5/10. Acting was good for the most part; to be honest I didn't really feel like the guy who played Khadgar was fit for his role, but it didn't really ruin the movie anyway. I think Legendary did a good job, and I'm waiting for the next movie. Go and watch it people, if you haven't already..!

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