Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Who let the dorks out?

I thought I'd make a quick update on what has been going on lately. First of all, my Mission Kellogg's review is ready and published, and I have uploaded almost all the videos(only the last one left to finish). I already started on my next "project", which is one of those horse games that I mentioned earlier. So far I have completed 4 of the chapters in the game, but I'm not sure how many there even are. The chapters are completed very fast, so I hope there are quite a few left, or else the whole game is going to be disappointingly short.

I also had these other two horse games that I thought I'd play next, but when I opened up the CD-case of the first one I noticed that there was a different game inside... On the bright side, I have been looking for this "lost" game for a while, but now I still have to find the CD for this game that actually was supposed to be there. I reeeeally hope the game is somewhere still at my parents house, but I actually have no clue where I have seen it the last time, it's a game that I haven't played for at least 10 years... I'll see what I can do, it was really one of my favorite horse games back in the day.

Regarding WoW, I recently recorded some dungeon-stuff and thought I'd make a few dungeon tanking guides. Yeah, I know it's pretty much totally unnecessary to make them now, when the expansion is reaching its end, but I rarely listen to reason. Tanking guides it is. If I ever have time to make them, we'll see... Right now my main goal is to grind as many Love Tokens as I can during Love is in the Air, so that I can buy that pesky mount that I wanted already last year. Unfortunately I discovered pretty late that this event is actually in progress, so I don't have many days left to collect those tokens. But I calculated that if I do all the dailies every day from now until the event ends, I might just get enough to buy it... We'll see, at least I am trying.

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