Thursday, December 30, 2021

The New Adventures

I finished my review on Jazzpunk, and it is already published here on the blog. A very funny, but also a very short game. I tried to find out if there will ever be a sequel to this magnificent game, but unfortunately it doesn't look like that. I hope we could get something similar though.

After Jazzpunk I immediately picked up Yakuza 0, that I talked about a few months ago. If I complained about the shortness of Jazzpunk earlier, it now seems like Yakuza 0 on the other hand is a very long game. Just to be clear, this is the first time I play a Yakuza game, so I really have no idea what to expect. So far I have noticed that you actually play as two different characters, Kiryu and Majima, and alternate between their two different story lines. I have never been particularly good at fighting games like these, but luckily there are difficulty levels to choose from, so I might just make it through after all. So far the story lines have been interesting, although I did not know there would be so much dialogue in these games. I am pretty sure that at least half of my game time so far has been just that.

I'm going to keep it short today, full schedule as usual. Tomorrow is also the last day of the year. Byebye 2021, I can't say I will be missing you too much.

Sunday, December 26, 2021


Christmas Eve went by fast, but I had a good time. For the first time in many years we had an actual white Christmas, and it was great. I'm also excited to announce that I finally have a new pair of gaming headphones, after using my old neon green Razer Kraken for the past 8 years. Well, these new ones are still kind of the same series, but way cuter. I'm of course talking about the Razer Kraken Kitty Edition <3 They are like literally the cutest ever, and also very comfy to wear for long periods of time. I'm super happy about this, and it was a very needed upgrade. I also got a new keyboard, Razer Blackwidow. I also like this one a lot, and it is great to have functioning lights again. My old Roccat keyboard had a bunch of keys where the light had gone out, so it didn't look very good. Otherwise a totally functioning keyboard, but this new one is of course better.

I had very little time for gaming just before Christmas, had a lot of preparations to do. But now I hope I could have a few days where I just get to play some games. I have played a little bit of BCC of course, not switched over to retail WoW just yet. I also picked up a new game on Steam today, Jazzpunk. It's this really funny and trippy adventure game, and I will write a review about it for sure. Sadly it is a bit too short, it only took me a few hours to get through it the first time. But I'm currently on the second playthrough, to get some more achievements and really try to find every little funny detail in the game. So I'm gonna continue on that right now, cya laterz..!


Tuesday, November 30, 2021

My Way

We're getting closer to Christmas, and I'm getting more busy with Christmas stuff. Last month was all about throwing different parties almost every weekend, so now I hope I'll have time to sit down and relax a bit. I have mostly been playing Burning Crusade Classic again, I got to level 40 yesterday with the priest. I still don't have enough money to buy a mount, but I'm getting there. I managed to sell a random drop blue shield on AH, so that has helped my struggle a little bit. Even though things have been going slow, I'm still enjoying the game and want to continue leveling. Starting to get interested to jump over to Shadowlands as well though, been missing my death knight quite a lot...

My mouse broke a few weeks back, and I have still not found a good replacement. It was a Roccat mouse and it was very good, but just suddenly stopped clicking on the left mouse button. After that I switched to my old mouse that I used a few years ago, but I didn't have it for many days until the scroll wheel stopped working(!). Anyway, I was hoping I would get some good deal on Black Friday, but there wasn't really anything that I wanted. Currently I'm using this very cheap AliExpress mouse that I found in our computer box, and it is actually not a bad alternative. At least all the buttons are working and the scroll wheel as well. I am going to get a new mouse, but I can take my time now and find a good offer. The problem is that I would really like to have a mouse with four extra buttons on the side, but most of the models I have seen have only got two extra buttons. Some also go overboard and put like 40 different buttons, I don't want that either. I really didn't think mouse shopping would be this difficult.

Now I'm just waiting for December and hoping I'll have time for games this Christmas. Today I have a lot to do though so gotta go, bye!

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Time can not erase

I made some progress today by finally writing and uploading that Jurassic World Evolution review that I talked about ages ago. If I have time I'll also try to finish the second Bust-A-Move 4 video that didn't get done before. Trying to get stuff done here, but it's just not that easy. I have continued leveling in Burning Crusade Classic, getting close to level 40 now. I have been questing in Dustwallow Marsh, and it's been quite interesting. As far as I can remember I haven't really been doing much in that zone before, so it's a nice change. 

I have also continued on Pokémon Crystal a bit, but that's going slow. I have been thinking about what game to pick up next, now that I have reviews and videos almost done for the previous ones. There are soo many options in my Steam library, I have a really tough time deciding. On the other hand, I should maybe choose a console game, since I have very little of those on my review page. I am getting more and more interested in trying out the Yakuza series though, maybe that's next.

One good thing is that I now have a much better GPU in my computer than previously, my old one broke some time in the summer and I had to temporarily replace it with an even older one. So thanks to my SO, I have at the moment a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060, which probably is going to work just fine for me. I don't usually play any super demanding games, so I don't need to have the latest and fanciest.

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Salty and roasted

Life has been rolling on the past months without anything significant happening. I have been playing more Burning Crusade Classic, just trying to level up. The biggest challenge I think I have encountered so far is how to get more gold, to just be able to buy things like spells and abilities. I recently got to level 30 and thought I could finally learn riding and get a mount, but that was so expensive that I have no clue when I'll be able to buy either one.

A couple of weeks ago I booted up Pokémon Crystal on my phone again. I realized I haven't really progressed in that game for the last 2 years, I am still stuck on leveling my Pokémon so I can beat the Elite Four. I really can't believe it has been that long... I have booted it up a few times over the past years and thought I would continue for real, but it turns out I only played a few hours. This time I actually played for a whole day, so that's some progress I guess. I'm very close now to go try out that battle again. Also, in about one week I will go on a trip where I'll be sitting in the train a lot, so I figured it will be a perfect time to continue my game for real. I AM going to finish it, no matter how long it takes. I really do love the Pokémon games and I have loved them since I was a child, it's just so hard to find that suitable moment to actually dive into the game without any interruptions. Anyways, I gotta go now, laterz..!

Monday, July 26, 2021


I finished my review of Bust-A-Move, and then I immediately went on to play the rest of the campaign in Jurassic World Evolution. So now I'm pretty much done with that game, and need to get together another review. Upcoming week is going to be kind of hectic though, so that will have to wait a little bit.

Last week I started playing Burning Crusade Classic, and that's the only game I have played since. I made a draenei priest, and it was very nostalgic to be back on Bloodmyst Isle. The music there is just lovely, and the environment looks so unique. Anyway, I'm currently level 23, so I'm doing quests in Ashenvale at the moment. Leveling is a bit difficult at times, but I got used to that while playing WoW Classic last year. I would really like to max level this character, but that's going to take quite some time. I'm not sure if I'll move over again to retail before that.

Gonna leave it short this time, tomorrow is filled with activities and I stayed up too late AGAIN.

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Roller coaster

The holiday is soon over and I sure got a lot done, not so much gaming though. I have been playing mostly WoW now and then, but yesterday I also played a bunch of Bust-A-Move. I have recorded a lot of videos, so expect something to be uploaded to my Youtube-channel shortly. I am also going to make a review of the game, so let's see when I have time for that. 

I bought a few games on the Steam summer sale yesterday, and I hope I'll be able to play even one of them at some point. As soon as I get the Bust-A-Move content ready, I am planning to make a review of another game that I have been playing a little bit, Jurassic World Evolution. I have always been a Jurassic Park fan, so I had to try out this game where you basically build your own park. Seems like a cool game, I'm not that many hours in at the moment but I'll dig into it later. This particular game is on my Epic Games-account, and I just keep forgetting that I have a lot of games waiting there as well... How the hell will I ever have time to play even half of the games that I own...

I'm going to keep it kind of short again, so much to do. This is my last holiday week, and we have a small trip planned with some friends. The weather has been super nice and sunny for the whole month, I guess that's also a reason why I haven't sat so much in front of the PC. On Monday I had a small setback though, my GPU just suddenly gave up on life, and I had a million colored artifacts all over my screen. My computer just kept freezing and I couldn't really do much, LUCKILY I still had my old GPU in storage, so I am going to have to use that until I can get my hands on another one. But we all know what kind of situation we have with GPUs worldwide at the moment, so I am very nervous about all of this. If my old GPU would break too, I have no options left. I guess buying a used one is the only alternative now, but I am sure as hell not paying any ridiculous prices though...

Friday, May 28, 2021

Sexual Harassment Panda

I'll be very brief today, since there hasn't been much going on on the gaming front for a while now. I have mostly just been doing dailies with my DK and trying to progress in the story line. I really miss being able to just sit down and play for a whole day, but right now it's not possible, since I have had a lot of work, and there are also numerous projects going on that need to be finished real soon. I have my summer holiday next month, so I hope that will make everything less stressful.

One thing that has been all over everything this last month or so is Burning Crusade Classic, and of course it sounds very interesting. I was excited about WoW Classic, which I unfortunately haven't had much time to play since the launch, but naturally this seems great as well. The problem is, I have had so little time for Shadowlands since it launched that I would really need to catch up on all of that during my holiday. Summer is unfortunately a time for many activities, especially if it's nice weather outside. So far the weather here hasn't been too warm and sunny, so if it goes on like this, maybe I'll be inside gaming more than I thought I would...

Sunday, March 21, 2021


This winter has just floated by in a haze, and I don't really know what I have been doing. Mostly just working of course, otherwise I have been so tired that sitting on the sofa watching TV has felt like the most I can accomplish. Now we are slowly getting towards summer, and the days become a little less heavy for the most of it. I have mostly been too tired for booting up any games, but I have tried here and there. I have been playing WoW maybe a few times a week, just doing world quests and dailies with my DK. I also kind of started leveling my warlock towards 60, but I haven't gotten very far yet.

A few weeks ago I played this funny older puzzle game called Bust-a-Move 4. It features Bub the dragon from Bubble Bobble, as well as a range of other characters. The puzzles are of the type where you shoot colored balls at each other to make them pop. I have played similar games like this before, but I must say I really like the style and playability of Bust-a-Move. If I start playing it, I am sure to get hooked for at least a few hours. I'll make sure there is a review up of this at some point.

I also ordered a few games for my Gamecube, just to expand the library a little bit. I got Shrek 2 and Dark Summit. The latter is a type of snowboarding game, which I haven't tried out yet, but it seemed interesting from watching some videos. I tried out Shrek 2 with my SO the other day, and it seemed pretty fun. You can play it with 1-4 people, but I imagine playing with 4 people would just be a hilarious mess. With two people it seems manageable though, and you play as Shrek and his friends solving puzzles and fighting enemies together. Not a bad buy, if I say so myself. Now I am going to continue on some new content for the blog, cya later!

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Flashing lights

Christmas 2020 just went by, and now we have the promising(?)year of 2021. The week leading up to Christmas Eve was really painful though, due to a massive amount of work, but I survived somehow. I got many nice gifts, and one of them was actually a new monitor for my PC. This one is bigger than the old one, and has a slight curve. I also got a drawing tablet, which I have been secretly wanting for many years now. I used to draw a lot before, when I had more spare time, but maybe I can pick up this hobby again at some point.

In WoW I have continued leveling of course, I'm currently level 58. I'm exploring the last "new" zone, Revendreth. The quests have been interesting so far, and I like how the story has developed through each of the zones. I have tried out a few dungeons as well, nothing bad to say about them. I have to say the leveling has felt a little bit too fast though, you gain a lot more experience from quests and dungeons than in previous expansions.

After Christmas I decided to pick up a new game, this time it was indie platformer Celeste. I had read a lot of reviews beforehand, so I thought I knew what to expect. A lot of people described it as "challenging", but I have to say the last levels were REALLY damn difficult. Don't get me wrong, it is a really smooth and well-made platformer, but the difficulty level is insane towards the end. Then again I'm a more casual player, so I imagine really hardcore platforming nerds find the difficulty quite suitable. Overall a good game, I will try to post a review as soon as I can. I made a little video though, which is already uploaded on Youtube. Now I'm going to continue with the WoW leveling, cya later!