Friday, February 28, 2020

The Unreliable

Last week consisted almost entirely of playing The Outer Worlds, and I am really in love with the game now. I managed to fix the crashing problem, and I didn't even have to re-install Windows. I was right about the fact that my new hardware was causing the problems though, but it turned out to be a pretty easy fix. My new CPU had multithreading enabled, and after disabling this function in BIOS, I haven't had a single crash occur. So now I can really enjoy the game, and not have to worry about saving every 2 minutes.

I really can't explain how cool The Outer Worlds is, and I really love the environment. The different planets I have been on so far have very varying and beautiful scenery. Right now I'm about 15 hours into the game, and after reading some reviews, it seems like the game isn't longer than 30-40 hours on Normal difficulty. In one way it's good, since I often drop longer games in lack of time/interest, but on the other hand it has turned out to be such a good game that I would have wanted some more content. Oh well, I suppose the replay value is kind of high here. Besides The Outer Worlds, I have been playing some WoW as well. I took a little break again from current content, and decided to hunt some new transmog gear. Everyone should know already that my DK doesn't wear any pants, only skirts or dresses, and plate versions of these are pretty hard to come by. Up until now I have had three different skirts to choose from, but now I have been hunting down a couple of other ones from old raids. There is one dress in particular that I really want, the Breastplate of the Lost Catacomb, which drops from the last boss in Heart of Fear. The drop rate is not very high here, so I probably have to run the raid many times before I get it...

I have had a busy week, and it continues until next week, so I'm off doing other things now. I just hope I'll have time for a little bit of The Outer Worlds tonight, or maybe on Sunday... One can always wish.

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