Saturday, February 1, 2020

Every Day is Exactly the Same

For Christmas I got new parts for my computer, and I also celebrated with buying a new case. So now it's rebuilt, and looks and feels very good. There has been some problems though, whenever I play any games, they seem to crash at totally random places. WoW has been almost unplayable, since the crashes are so frequent. I also tried out Overwatch, and that one crashed in the same way. After this I started wondering if this was a Blizzard-only fault, so I played some Torchlight to kind of experiment. I got one crash, but otherwise I played many hours without any problems. Yesterday I finally decided it was time to start playing The Outer Worlds, and now I get crashes there as well..! They come at totally random points, so I have no idea what's going on. But very clearly, all of this has something to do with my new computer hardware.

I haven't really had too much time or energy yet to really get to the bottom of it, but I guess my last option is to try re-installing Windows. I really don't want to, it's so much work getting all of my programs re-installed and all settings back to the way I want them... That kind of operation would probably take an entire day, and I'm not sure when I have got that time. But I can't enjoy my games to the fullest at the moment, so something has to be done.

I am absolutely loving The Outer Worlds though, despite the fact that it crashes frequently. I just have to remember to save literally all the time. Very interesting and beautiful world, and cool characters. I personally think it resembles Fallout so much, that it feels like I'm just playing a Fallout game set in another timeline or something. I'm only a few hours in so far, so I'll give an update when I have played more. Have to go to work now, but when I come home tonight, I'll continue for sure.

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