Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Who let the dorks out?

I thought I'd make a quick update on what has been going on lately. First of all, my Mission Kellogg's review is ready and published, and I have uploaded almost all the videos(only the last one left to finish). I already started on my next "project", which is one of those horse games that I mentioned earlier. So far I have completed 4 of the chapters in the game, but I'm not sure how many there even are. The chapters are completed very fast, so I hope there are quite a few left, or else the whole game is going to be disappointingly short.

I also had these other two horse games that I thought I'd play next, but when I opened up the CD-case of the first one I noticed that there was a different game inside... On the bright side, I have been looking for this "lost" game for a while, but now I still have to find the CD for this game that actually was supposed to be there. I reeeeally hope the game is somewhere still at my parents house, but I actually have no clue where I have seen it the last time, it's a game that I haven't played for at least 10 years... I'll see what I can do, it was really one of my favorite horse games back in the day.

Regarding WoW, I recently recorded some dungeon-stuff and thought I'd make a few dungeon tanking guides. Yeah, I know it's pretty much totally unnecessary to make them now, when the expansion is reaching its end, but I rarely listen to reason. Tanking guides it is. If I ever have time to make them, we'll see... Right now my main goal is to grind as many Love Tokens as I can during Love is in the Air, so that I can buy that pesky mount that I wanted already last year. Unfortunately I discovered pretty late that this event is actually in progress, so I don't have many days left to collect those tokens. But I calculated that if I do all the dailies every day from now until the event ends, I might just get enough to buy it... We'll see, at least I am trying.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016


One of the most awesome things about WoW(that a lot of people maybe don't think about)is the music. Right now I'm listening to a mixed WoW soundtrack, with music from mostly older zones. It is incredible how much you can remember from the game throughout the years just from these specific soundtracks... Yup, it's that nostalgia again.

Well, I have been doing something a bit different lately, I decided to play through a childhood game of mine; Mission Kellogg's. It's a pretty basic platformer(Donkey Kong Country style), where you play as some of the Kellogg's cereal mascots. Yeah, it's just a shameless marketing game, I know, but it is actually still very playable. I have been adding videos to my channel whenever they have been ready, and I'm like halfway through now. I will also do a review on it, I promise this time.

There will maybe be some other interesting games coming up soon, since I went to my parents house yesterday and found a bunch of old PC-games I used to play as a kid. I was a real horse-freak back then, so almost half of my PC-games were horse-related. Some of them might still be fun to play though, so I'll look into it when Mission Kellogg's is finished.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Alone In The Darkness

Have had a little break again with writing, mostly just because of exhaustion. This first month of the year has felt like it would never end, and I have accomplished almost nothing significant, just as frosting on the cake. Just another season in fucking-loser-land.

I have played Fallout 4 quite a bit, at the moment I'm mostly doing side-quests and actually haven't progressed in the main story line for a while. I have to pick that up again, at the moment I am supposed to go into the Glowing Sea to find some guy. But there is truly a lot to explore in this game, so I guess that's why I have been doing other stuff. I am currently making a little Fallout-video with "funny moments" or something similar, let's see when that gets finished...

There has also been  a lot of WoW, this weekend I did a lot of old achievements, and also some timewalking since it was Cataclysm week. Next time when the WotLK timewalking comes up(sometime in March), I will finally be able to buy the super awesome mount that I have been collecting badges for since this all started, the Ironbound Wraithcharger.

So, as I mentioned I have been doing old achis, I thought I would focus on some raid and dungeon achis for a while. I completed the Glory of the Cataclysm Hero and got my cool Volcanic Stone Drake. I also completed the Glory of the Raider 10-player, now I just have to get the 25-man version as well... Then there was the Glory of the Ulduar Raider 25-player... I had almost all of the achis contained in this one from before, there was only 2 missing, and one of them was Iron Dwarf, Medium Rare. I actually tried completing this a few weeks ago, but I gave up after a few tries then. Now I was determined to get this somewhat buggy achi, since I really wanted the proto-drake that comes with Glory of the Ulduar Raider. There was a lot of complaining on forums about this particular achievement, since it seemed like you wouldn't get credit for the dwarves even though Razorscale kills them with the flame breath. I indeed discovered that this was true, and after about 10 attempts where I tried various tactics without any success, I read this forum post about where you can "trick" the game into believing the flame breath has killed the dwarves, when in fact you do it yourself. So I got Razorscale grounded, and rounded up a whole bunch of dwarves. So at the exact moment when Razorscale casts the flame breath(the dwarves turn blue for a second), I Blood Boiled the shit out of those dwarves, and got the achievement. So if you attempt to solo this, just round up the dwarves in front of Razorscale, and right when she casts the flame breath(all the dwarves turn blue)you use some aoe-attack that wipes them out in one hit. This was what worked for me finally, and goddamn I was happy after that...

Now it's bedtime, I stayed up way too long as usual.