Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Carpe fucking diem

I put up a new video yesterday, a short little guide about how to farm rep with the Ashen Verdict in WoW. Not maybe the most relevant subject, but I needed to farm rep with them to get a certain blacksmithing pattern, so I thought I'd make a video while I'm at it. I am also in the progress of making a guide for the Venomhide Ravasaur, a mount that you can get after completing certain daily quests for 20 days. I'm halfway right now, so it's going to be a while before that video is finished.

Yeah, it has been mostly WoW for the last few weeks, and today patch 6.1 was released, so that got me even more excited. A lot of new quests, items and features. Sadly I didn't have much time to explore today, and maybe not tomorrow either, but in the weekend I will have a good look at everything. The new Jukebox thing, it sounds kind of silly, but I really want to have it in my garrison... Besides, I do sometimes like to listen to the in-game music, and they certainly have some really good tracks.

Anyway it's bedtime now.
Btw, I made a new transmog set for Missy, so I'll just throw in a pic of that.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Coming Around

I can gladly announce that I have been a little bit active this weekend, and I hope this little flow of mine doesn't fade away so fast. First of all, I completed all the achievements in WoW for Fool For Love, so now I am one step closer to the Violet Proto-Drake. This was not a very difficult achievement to get, but it involved grinding those Love Tokens to some extent. Oh yeah, and even though I ran the event dungeon every day for a week, no Big Love Rocket for me... I'm kind of joking here, the drop rate on this one is EXTREMELY low, and if I actually had looted it, there would probably be a few more exclamation marks on this site...

The other good thing is that I completed and uploaded another Sacred Gold video, so it can now be enjoyed on my Youtube channel. I have also finally started writing on my Fallout 3 info page, so that will also be up real soon. I have a small "vacation" in a few days, so I hope I will get a lot of gaming stuff done in that time.

Now I really have to go to bed, not much sleep this night I can tell...

Monday, February 2, 2015

Silly old hair dryers

I was supposed to finish the quest line in Sacred Gold. What happened was that a few days ago I kind of got really Fallout-sick and decided to play trough New Vegas once again. So now I have started a new game, and on top of it all I decided to start fooling around with mods this time. It's not like I went crazy on this one, I have a few extra weapons in-game atm, an interface mod and a weather mod. Oh yeah, and that hair style mod... Who doesn't want to have fabulous hair?

Anyway, I really hope I have time and interest to finish Sacred Gold, I would really like to do that. I hate to admit it, but I am kind of bad at finishing games, I have A LOT of games that are unfinished. Divinity: Original Sin was a game that I started playing sometime in the summer I think, and I was going to finish it before WoD was released, but what do you know... I only got about half-way trough. So some day I really need to pick it up again, it's a really good game and all. I also need to play the Fallout 3 DLCs, I have only played trough one so far, and I have four left. But there is just not enough time...

Oh yeah, I thought I could include my list of NV mods that I have been playing with so far, just for fun: