Wednesday, June 25, 2014

In the summertime

So, it's the middle of the summer break for me. Been doing a lot of stuff besides gaming, but usually you don't game that much in the summer. Unless it's rainy and cold weather, which it has been for like a week now. Anyway, just to sum up what I have mostly been playing the last month or so; Spiral Knights, Fallout 3 and a little bit of WoW. Spiral Knights is a free-to-play MMORPG on Steam, it's quite entertaining but certainly not a WoW-replacer.

In Fallout 3 I have just been questing, I'm actually starting to approach the end of the main quest. I have to say it's a great game, but somehow I maybe liked New Vegas better. Not sure why, maybe it's because the D.C. ruins is a more gray and depressing place than the Mojave desert. But don't get me wrong, I am enjoying Fallout 3 very much, and I also encountered a quite funny bug that I am planning on making a little video clip of.

In WoW I have been doing some dungeons with my warlock, and I am probably going to do some LFR as soon as I have time. The thing is that I changed spec from affli to destro, and it's working out sooo much better now. I was originally destro when I started the char in Wotlk, but somewhere along the road I was told to change spec to affli. But now I'm back to the roots, and it's awsome.

Anyways, gotta scram. Too much stuff to do.

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