Sunday, July 8, 2018


Today I got a little bit of stuff done, finally finished the Blue Estate review. Yey me. I have also realized that the Battle for Azeroth pre-patch is only a few days away, so I kind of panicked and looked up things I needed to get done. Nothing too alarming, the only thing I feel quite stressed out about are the artifact appearances from the Mage Tower. I don't think I'll be able to beat the challenges anyway before pre-patch, but I'll give it a go. I also read up about this hippogryph mount that I would like to get, the Long Forgotten Hippogryph, but it seems like chasing it is not that easy or fast.

Otherwise I think I'll just welcome BfA, I still feel quite sad about the fact that I didn't have more time to spend on Legion, but I really can't do anything about that anymore. I am also quite upset over the fact that I ordered and paid for a pre-order box of BfA over two months ago, and I still haven't received it... When I asked about it last week, the store just told me that it's not in stock right now, and they don't know when they'll get it. Needless to say, I cancelled that order, and now my box is hopefully finally on its way from another store. Well, I wouldn't have had time to play anyway, so I guess it's not that big of a disaster.

I noticed it's free weekend for Destiny 2 right now, so I downloaded it today, and have had time to play a little bit. Seems really interesting so far, but I can't afford it anyway, so better not get too attached. Hopefully they'll have more free weekends in the future. Anyway, I need to go to work now, going to get late again. Cya!

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