Sunday, April 29, 2018

The Rest Of My Life

I'm going to keep this one pretty short, since I'm leaving for work soon. Been occupied the last few weeks with a lot of tests and assignments, because the semester is ending and I have to get as much as possible in order before the summer break. I have had time for a little bit of gaming, mostly Blizzard games though. In WoW I have leveled a bit with my priest, and done some LFR with the DK. I am just trying to collect a bit of Legion achievements before the next expansion, and I also continued a bit with my Loremaster grinding while waiting in LFR queue. Also played some Overwatch, the Retribution event has been going on for a few weeks now, and I have been hoping for some cool skins in my loot boxes. None yet though, and the event ends tomorrow...

I also played a few games of Hearthstone recently, which I haven't done for quite some time. I mostly logged in just to claim a few free packs, but I ended up playing a bit also. If I really wanted to get back into the game, which I played quite frequently 3-4 years ago, I would need to put some time into crafting a few good packs. Other than Blizzard games, I played Mario Kart on the Switch a few days ago. Besides just the normal races, I tried out the Balloon Challenge. It's really fun, but I just can't seem to NOT get hit all the time by some other player. Most of the time it's a crazy mess of things and NPC:s flying around everywhere, but it's still really entertaining. I just have to try to get that gold cup.

Now I really need to leave, or I'm going to be late again. Cya laterz!

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