Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The End of Time

I got a very pleasant e-mail from Blizzard a few weeks ago, and at first I thought it was some scam message. It stated that I had received a free copy of Overwatch, and after a little bit of research I found out that it was indeed totally legit, and I now have the game. Wow, finally something after all these years of monthly payments. I'm really happy with this at the moment, but I have been busy with school these last few weeks(surprise!), so I haven't had time to actually play the game before tonight. I decided to try out a healer, since I mostly play offensive heroes, and Ana seemed interesting. Indeed, I played quite a few matches with her, and I'll probably practice more some other day this week. I think she has a good balance of healing well and also dealing quite some damage.

I also played some WoW today, still in Suramar, still grinding rep and doing those looong quest chains... I know I should also probably continue on leveling my warlock, it's starting to get a little bit embarrassing to say that I only have one max-level char. But there is no time, and further along in the Spring I will be even more busy. Oh well, at least I finished Postal Redux and also wrote that review, so at least something gets done once in a while...

I'm really tired after a kind of heavy weekend, so I'll just go to bed now. Hopefully I'll have time for some gaming later this week, maybe Wednesday if I'm lucky. Cya.

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