Friday, May 27, 2016

Sweet and sour.

This month has gone by so fast, I don't even know how. There is a million things I need to do, and now summer is just around the corner. One thing I managed to do though, finish my Overwatch video and upload it. So that's at least something... I have been playing a lot of Fallout 4 again, and I think I'm close to finishing the main story line. About time, I have almost 90 hours of game time already. Otherwise I have also been playing some WoW, my shaman is level 99 right now, so not much left.

I picked up Postal 2 on the Steam sale, it was only 1 euro so no big deal. I haven't played any of the other Postal games before, but I sure have heard about the series, so I knew what to expect. So far I have finished the first day, and it truly is a very cool game for its age. Who doesn't like walking around town and being able to do almost anything to anyone..? This one really is a timeless classic, it doesn't matter if the graphics are outdated as long as the gameplay itself is enjoyable. I do recommend it to anyone who likes "slightly" violent video games.

I haven't really slept properly these last few days, I guess I'll have to go to bed now.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016


The past 4 days have been dedicated to only one game; Overwatch. There was this free open beta since the game will be released soon(May 24th), and I thought I'd try it out. Wasn't sure about it at first, but the more I played, the better it actually became. So it's something in style with Team Fortress, and there are a lot of different heroes to choose from. I particularly loved the crazy grenade-throwing guy Junkrat. He is maybe not the hero that gets the most kills, but he can really annoy the shit out of the enemy team, and what's more fun than that..?

I got a lot of material recorded, so I'll probably put together some sort of collage video of some of the heroes I played. I promise I'll really try to finish it this time, even though I have been extremely lazy these last few weeks... It's really warm outside, I'll blame it on that.

So, now I'm kind of hooked on Overwatch, and it looks like I have to buy it... But I also need to pre-order Legion. There is way too much going on right now for my wallet. The Warcraft movie will soon be coming to cinemas, and of course I'll go watch it. I'll be so broke this summer.

Anyways, I need to start working on that video now. Laterz.