Sunday, January 25, 2015

Dark skies

So, it turns out that this years Winter is just as depressing as the previous ones. I guess it's just the lack of sunlight, because I don't really dislike the cold weather and snow. Anyway, energy is at zero, and on top of that social anxiety says hello way too often, and makes me want to crawl under the bed and stay there for an infinite amount of time. So everything is completely fine, as usual.

So I have been playing WoW ofc, but not as much as I would like to. I just don't have the time right now. I have mostly just logged on the DK to do daily grinding stuff, like the apexis quest, mining, and a few dungeons once in a while. Have leveled some with the warlock as well, but it's going slow. Besides that I have been playing a lot of Sacred Gold, it is a really good game despite its age. I am going to post a review as soon as I have completed the main questline.

Since I usually spend a large amount of time in the train and bus trough out the week, and I have a Chromebook, I thought I could just start bringing it with me and kill some time by playing what ever games you possibly can play on it. Which turns out to not be that much. I know the Chromebook definitely isn't meant to game on, so it's not a big surprise to me. I managed to get DosBox up and running on it, but I was quite disappointed when I still couldn't run Duke Nukem 3D on it. Lagged like hell. It runs sidescrollers really well though, so either it just can't run 3D games at all, or just Duke Nukem. I have to try out different ones. I have also tried out a few browser games, they have been OK so far, but since I usually have a pretty bad wifi connection when I'm on the road, it makes playing them pretty hard. If I find some really enjoyable browser games, I will make reviews of them as well.

Monday, January 5, 2015

The Kids Really Aren't Alright

Just thought I'd give a quick update, since I just completed the anniversary version of Molten Core, and got the mount. Well it's not really a big deal, since basically anyone with itemlevel 615 and higher can get it, but it's still a nice little achievement. And I was also pretty late with this one, since the anniversary ends in a few hours from now, and after that they remove this version of Molten Core, and you can't get the mount anymore.

So it was a LFR raid, and we all know how that can be. I have to give a little cred to this group though, they were not a complete mess, only slightly. We only had 5 or so complete wipes trough out the raid, and there were not that many Leroy Jenkins pulls. It took about 2 hours to complete the raid, not that bad imo. I must admit I died like a noob on Baron Geddon though, but I also have never done this raid before. I wasn't completely stupid, I watched a video of the raid before I went in, but I guess I didn't choose a very good video since I didn't really pick up that much tacts from it. The guy just went on and on about how retarded everyone in his LFR was, and once in a while he threw in something vague about the bosses. In a 25-minute video. Anyway, overall it went pretty well, I got my mount and the epic helmet that was going to drop, and it's all good. I could even do it again, if Blizzard decides to bring this back in the future.

I kind of forgot to take screenshots up until the very last bosses, so I didn't have that much successful ones. I wanted to put up one where we kill Raggy, but they all got really messy since Raggy is so big, and he didn't really fit in the screen. So I'll just put the Majordomo Executus screenie here instead, it's good enough.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Soya sauce

I got myself a new video editing software yesterday, and decided to make a new video straight away. The old one I used was too simple and missed a lot of cool features that I wanted. That's why my older videos have looked like a 5-year old has made them. Now they will look a little less like that, but there is still sooo much to improve... And I already managed to get really pissed at this new program, even though I made a pretty short and uncomplicated video.

So the name of this program is Cyberlink Powerdirector 13, and I might as well just say it now, because I noticed the program leaves an annoying watermark on the first 5 secs of the video. I have to work on how to get that removed, but in the meantime I'll just sit back and they get the advertisement they want. So, this was the first issue with the video. The second, bigger issue was, that my recording program somehow recorded the video in an odd resolution, leaving the video cropped so that you can't see my spell bar or my character portrait properly. The funny thing was, that somehow I have managed to NOT NOTICE THIS until the very last moments of editing, just before producing the final movie. I have recorded the video, converted it, and edited it, and still haven't noticed that pretty much half of the screen is missing. That takes serious skill. So I was pretty pissed when I finally saw it, but I had already put way too much time into editing to just leave it all. So it is up on Youtube anyway, in all it's glory. It's very much watchable, you just can't see half of my UI.

Oh yeah, I probably forgot to mention what game I even recorded. Sacred Gold.