Sunday, August 2, 2020


This summer went by in a flash, and I haven't even nearly done everything I was supposed to do. I have mostly just been working all the time, while simultaneously trying to finish school. There has barely been any spare time, and instead of relaxing, I have only become more exhausted. But as of Thursday it seems like my school-related nuisances are finally over, so maybe I can enjoy this last summer month a little bit more. As one might suspect, there hasn't been much time for gaming during the whole summer, but I have been able to squeeze in a little WoW here and there. I completed all the story-related quests in BfA, and then I went on to continue on Loremaster. I'll be done with Outland real soon, and then it's Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms left. This makes it sound like there is very little remaining, but we all know how many zones and quests there are in those last two continents...

The reason why I picked up Loremaster again is probably upcoming Shadowlands. From what I have read so far there will be a lot of changes to WoW after this expansion, and I am afraid this would alter the Loremaster achievement in some way. That's why I would really like to have it before Shadowlands, even though we don't really have an exact date yet. The Beta opened a few weeks ago, so that means we are getting closer now. Rumors are saying maybe November. I'm just going to continue forward, and make this achievement my number one priority right now. There will probably be some other achievements or items that I would need to get too, let's see what I have time for. In any case the eight expansion of WoW is coming closer all the time, and it makes me both happy and sad at the same time.

I have some work that needs to be done today, so I'll keep it relatively short. Let's hope I'll have time to post again real soon. Bye!

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