Friday, May 5, 2017


Yeah, I thought things would turn around as soon as May started, but everything is still just as shitty. What a surprise. School is kind of over, but I still have a heap of assignments that needs to be done soon, and they all suck major asshole. My car and other peoples cars are broken and/or need service. Next week I have to move out from where I currently live. Oh yeah, and did I mention that my phone broke a few days ago..? There's more fun stories to tell, but I'll save it for later.

Surprisingly enough I managed to finish that Fallout video and get it uploaded yesterday. This is the one that I started like a year ago, but I dropped it for some reason. Anyway, it's finished now, and I immediately started to work on that Deathspank video I talked about also. So I'm getting something done, but not the "important" things, so to say.

I have been playing some WoW this week though, and it has been sooo awesome and relaxing. Been doing a lot of quests with the DK, just so I could get that flying achievement some day. I also continued leveling with my warlock. I'll probably play some more tonight, if I have time before work. I should also mention that all the parts for my "new" computer have finally arrived, so as soon as I have time I'll put everything together. I even bought some LED's for the casing, so in case everything else fails, at least it will look awesome.

I have to do stuff and things now(sigh), but I'll throw in a pic of Missy herding sheep for that one world quest in Bradensbrook.

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