Friday, December 29, 2017

Only shadows now

Christmas is over once again, this year was a good one. Nice presents, including a lot of game-related stuff that I'll show later. For example, I have a new keyboard, a Roccat Ryos TKL Pro. It feels cool to have a mechanical keyboard, and overall it's good to play with. Another big thing is the Nintendo Switch, which my SO got as a Christmas present..! Remember how I thought I'd never be able to have one of those..? Well, it's not mine really, but I get to play mostly whenever I want :) The game he got is Zelda: Breath of the Wild, which is awesome since I love Zelda games. Sadly all the good games for the Switch are still very expensive, so I guess we'll have to wait a while before we have more of them.

This Christmas holiday has been mostly dedicated to Overwatch and WoW, and almost nothing else. Tried out this game on Steam called Path of Exile, not too bad. In WoW I have done some Christmas stuff with the DK, and also leveled the Warlock a bit. Overwatch has been number one, and I was planning on making a video featuring the Mei's snowball thingy that is an arcade option right now. Sadly I haven't really got any cool Christmas skins yet, even though I have opened many loot boxes. Oh well, the holidays are not over quite yet.

Soon it's New Years Eve, and next week is probably going to be a bit more busy. It kind of feels like this holiday was way to short, I haven't had time to charge my batteries as much as I would have wanted to. Let's see what next year brings, shall we..?

Tuesday, December 5, 2017


And so a month went by again, this time I have barely had time to breathe. The last two weeks have been so intensely full-scheduled with schoolwork, that it feels surreal to actually sit down and be able to do literally ANYTHING else. I still have some schoolwork and a few tests left before Christmas, but at least I can say that the worst is over. On Sunday I had time to sit down and play WoW for the first time in a while, and it was truly awesome. Been doing some Argus stuff, and just generally continuing with the story line.

On Saturday I also had the opportunity to try out Nintendo Switch, while we were visiting a friend. Super Mario Odyssey was the game, and I have to say I really liked the little bit that I got to play. It reminds me so much of Super Mario Sunshine, which was the first game I got for my Gamecube as a kid. I haven't really had any real interest in buying a "new" console for a long time, but the Nintendo Switch is something I feel quite excited about. The problem is the massive price tag, and I suspect this will prevent me from eventually buying it, until maybe when it's already gone "retro".

To celebrate that I have time to be a human again, I'm currently in the process of adding a little Christmas surprise to the blog. It's not really anything big, but I just thought it would be a fun thing to do since I have been adding content so sparsely to this site during the last year or so. Let's see if I can finish it tonight, need to play some WoW as well. Cya..!

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Eat, sleep, repeat

Unfortunately I have been super stressed out about all kinds of stuff this last month, and haven't really had much time for games. But, there are still some good news, this week I finally managed to get that pathfinder achievement in WoW and unlock flying..! So there is one big thing off that checklist. Besides WoW I have also been playing quite a lot of Overwatch, and at the moment I have four heroes that I switch between, depending on the circumstances of the battle: Pharah, Junkrat, Orisa and Zenyatta. I think that's a pretty solid combo, one out of every "group".

I recently also decided to buy a used Playstation, meaning the original one. I already had a few games for it that I have acquired over the years, and since I will soon be moving into a new house, I thought this would be perfect for our little gaming room. The original Playstation is really a classic, and I used to play a lot as a kid since my cousins had one. There are a ton of games for it, lots of them are really shitty, but there are also many really good ones. I'll try at some point to put up a pic of my small game collection, but that will probably take some time.

More bad news, I also turned one year older recently... The good thing that came out of that were the amazing presents I got from my SO <3. A Reaper Funko Pop figure, a Pikachu sleeping mask, a Dedenne plush, an Overwatch loot box, AND Zelda: Four Swords for GBA..! I'll put up a pic of all of them later on :)

So, I'll have to take a nap really soon, so I'll be able to stay awake at work tonight. Here is a pic of Missy with the DK class mount, the Deathlord's Vilebrood Vanquisher.

Sunday, October 15, 2017


A month has gone by surprisingly fast, and I have been extremely busy the whole time. School has of course consumed most of my time, but somehow I have still managed to free some gaming time here and there. I finished my Argus quests in WoW, and now I'm currently just grinding rep with Armies of Legionfall so I could finally get that flying unlocked. Next week I'll have some more free time than usual, so let's see what I can make happen.

I also had time to upload my first Fallout: New Vegas video, and I have already recorded material for the second one. I managed to recover the in-game audio in the first video, but the audio and video isn't really synced towards the end of the clip. I was way too tired to try any solutions for this, so I guess we'll just have to live with that. Otherwise I have also played a lot of Overwatch lately, and today I tried Zenyatta. Things went really well, and I'm glad that I have finally found a healer that I can actually play somewhat okay. I have also played a lot of Rage lately, and yesterday I fired up Crash Bandicoot 2 on emulator.

So that's relatively short about what has been going on the last month, and I'm just going to cut it right here since I really need to do some chores before I go to bed. Bye!

Monday, September 18, 2017

Shaggy in a baggy

School has started and there is no time for fun. I have however managed to accomplish a few things during the month, and the most notable is probably Pathfinder Part I. It feels good to finally have it done, but it's still not much to talk about since it doesn't mean that I can fly yet. So now I have to grind in the Broken Shore, with the problem being that patch 7.3 was recently released, which brought a lot of new content to the game. So it's all about Argus now, and my flying has to wait a little bit longer. It's okay though, I'm so far really pleased with the new patch, and Argus is really an amazing place. I'm really surprised how big this new "continent" is, and I wonder how long it will take before I have even scratched the surface of everything it has to offer. I'm currently just doing quests to open up more zones, and the story so far has been pretty interesting. Let's see how much time I'll spend on this new content before I return to finish some of the older stuff that I also need to do.

Otherwise I have continued some on RAGE, I'm about 7 hours in at the moment. My concerns about the vehicles have pretty much gone away, since it doesn't seem to be overly essential to be able to drive like a pro, so I'm just continuing quests at the moment. So far I can't really say anything too bad about it, otherwise than the fact that it might have been useful to have some sort of map function. Anyway, I have also had time for some Overwatch lately, played mostly Orisa. A free weekend for PC is also coming up soon, and this means I might get a friend to join, someone who doesn't own the game yet but is interested in trying it out.

As far as new content goes, I have not had time for that during the past month or so. I'll try my best to make something happen, but I think it won't be anything too significant for a while. Need to sort a lot of school stuff out first so I don't fail any courses this semester, and that will take up a lot of time. Well, have to go now, my next lesson will start soon.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

The Foretelling

Thought I'd give a short update, I'll be going on a trip next week, so there will probably be very little gaming then. I have, as usual, been playing mostly WoW these past few weeks. I started the Chromie quests in Wyrmrest Temple, these could be really fun once I have more time for them. I have also tried to do some world quests in the Broken Shore, so that I could progress on that part. I also leveled some with my warlock, and other minor things.

I played some Overwatch, tried out Orisa. This was a surprisingly interesting hero to play with, and I'll probably pick her a lot in the future. Might do some kind of video on her, let's see what I can make happen this fall. We have also borrowed the Wii U again, so there has been some Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros. as well.

I managed to finish and upload my Deathspank video, so that is one thing off the checklist. I am also currently editing my first New Vegas video as well, but when I converted the video I somehow managed to corrupt the audio, so you can't hear the in-game sounds. Maybe not the most severe thing to happen, but it still bothers me quite a lot... Going to upload that video anyway, but I'll make sure the audio is fine in the next video.

I'm going to have to keep this short, since I have a lot of stuff to do today and very little time to sleep. So cya laters.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Fuck you I won't do what you tell me

So today I have actually done nothing else than gaming, which has been extremely nice for a change. I have been a "little" stressed out and anxious lately, so I kind of needed this. I started a new game in New Vegas, just because I can't seem to sync my mods with my old save files. At the same time I decided I'll probably record some gameplay from this new game, let's see if I'll have time for that tomorrow. Continuing on the post-apocalyptic theme, I have recently acquired RAGE, thanks to my lovely SO <3. There has been quite a bit of Fallout and Metro this summer, so why not go on with something in the same category..? Seems cool so far, I'm a few hours in and haven't got much bad to say. It seems pretty vehicle-centered though, I'm so bad at driving in games...

In WoW there has been some progress as well, I'm now revered with all the factions, and the only thing I need to complete the first Pathfinder achievement is a few quests in Suramar. I also started working on my Broken Shore quests, as well as completing some stuff in the Class Hall. Now I would also really need to pick up leveling with my warlock, I would kind of want to get him to 110 before Legion hits its one-year anniversary, just for personal reasons. Let's see if I can manage that, he is almost 104 now.

I was hoping I would get some new content posted this week, hopefully a few videos, but I also have a review that is almost done, and a few other smaller things. Kind of depends what other stuff comes up during the week, let's hope not too much... Cya!

Wednesday, July 12, 2017


So I haven't really sat that much by the computer these last few weeks, but I actually have played console for once. We got to borrow my brothers Wii U and Mario Kart 8, and I really have to say it's a fun game. It was ages ago since I played any Mario Kart game, and this one didn't let me down. Nintendo still knows how to make cute, fun and addictive games, while not making it too easy or "childish". I do get a bit aggravated if I lose, I'll admit that, but it's not like chairs fly or anything like that. Just a few curse words, that's it. Well, we had to give the console back on Friday, and I'm kind of missing that game... I have Mario Kart Wii lying around here though, so I just need a Wii console and then I'll be back in the circuit.

I didn't have work tonight, so I played some WoW, just fooling around with the DK again. I can happily announce that I got my first random legendary drop today, Lana'thel's Lament. So things are moving forward a little bit, I'm also very close to get my factions to revered, just need to do some more Wardens quests. I also had time to play some Overwatch, although I have to say the queues can be a little bit long at this time in the morning. Oh well, that's expected, I guess. Anyways, I really have to go to bed now, got a full schedule tomorrow. Laters.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

In Utero

Summer is finally here for real, but I have still actually had time for a little bit of gaming. Continuing with the rep grinding in WoW, I think I only have two factions left to get revered with before I get the achievement. Then I think I'll just continue with the Broken Shore quests, and of course try to level up my warlock. I have also played some more Fallout 4, doing all kinds of side quests and generally just fooling around. I was thinking about getting the DLCs also, kind of forgot they even got released.

I started playing Metro 2033 a few days ago, just because I felt like trying on something new. I'm barely a few hours in, but I already feel like it's going to be an awesome ride. I have wanted to play the Metro games for quite a while now, but I have been a little too scared. However, with time I have gotten more "used" to these kinds of games, so I think I'll manage. Since it also has a post-apocalyptic theme, I have continuously been comparing it with Fallout. This game seems to be a lot more story-driven, and since I played a lot of Wolfenstein this spring, I could almost say it's a pleasant hybrid between that game and the Fallout series. Going to continue the campaign and see if the good vibes persist. If I, against all odds, actually complete the game at some point, I also have Last Light waiting for me.

Now I need to go out in the sunshine and do things. Very depressing, indeed. I don't have work tonight though, so maybe I'll stay up and play all night..?

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Use your imagination

There's been a lot going on the last few weeks, so there hasn't been much time for gaming again. I have managed to accomplish some things though, for example I completed the Nexus Challenge in Heroes of the Storm a few days ago, and got a bunch of nice stuff(mostly skins)from the loot boxes. I also got 10 loot boxes for Overwatch, but I haven't logged in yet and opened them. Yesterday I started my Fallout 4 again, and actually completed the final quest this time. Yeah, it's been over a year since I played last time, so I'm happy I actually took the time to finish this one. Now I can fool around with side quests and such, or maybe start a whole new game, let's see.

On another note, my new computer is up and running now..! I had a slight panic attack when I built it though, since it didn't power on at all when I first tried. I was sure that the mobo had been damaged somehow, or the power supply was toast(I took it from my old computer), but it only turned out to be a faulty power button. The case is brand new, so I didn't really expect it, of course. Anyway, I'll probably contact the store that sold it to me soon, but until then I'll have to power on the computer with a screwdriver. Very handy, indeed. When I get everything working properly I'll probably put up a pic or two.


Friday, May 5, 2017


Yeah, I thought things would turn around as soon as May started, but everything is still just as shitty. What a surprise. School is kind of over, but I still have a heap of assignments that needs to be done soon, and they all suck major asshole. My car and other peoples cars are broken and/or need service. Next week I have to move out from where I currently live. Oh yeah, and did I mention that my phone broke a few days ago..? There's more fun stories to tell, but I'll save it for later.

Surprisingly enough I managed to finish that Fallout video and get it uploaded yesterday. This is the one that I started like a year ago, but I dropped it for some reason. Anyway, it's finished now, and I immediately started to work on that Deathspank video I talked about also. So I'm getting something done, but not the "important" things, so to say.

I have been playing some WoW this week though, and it has been sooo awesome and relaxing. Been doing a lot of quests with the DK, just so I could get that flying achievement some day. I also continued leveling with my warlock. I'll probably play some more tonight, if I have time before work. I should also mention that all the parts for my "new" computer have finally arrived, so as soon as I have time I'll put everything together. I even bought some LED's for the casing, so in case everything else fails, at least it will look awesome.

I have to do stuff and things now(sigh), but I'll throw in a pic of Missy herding sheep for that one world quest in Bradensbrook.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Helen Keller! The Musical

Unfortunately I have had almost zero gametime for a few weeks now, and it's not going to get better anytime soon. If this Spring doesn't kill me, I don't know what will. Well, probably drugs and/or alcohol, but that's another subject. I have managed to do something though, I updated the background for the website, and I also organized my pages a little bit so it looks and feels better. I also thought I'd start writing my Jazz Jackrabbit review today if I have time, I'll probably sacrifice some "quality" studying time for that.

It's Easter soon, and I have two days off school. Normally that would mean more time for gaming, but I don't think that will be the case now. Patch 7.2 is live in WoW now, and I haven't entered a single raid yet, not finished the first Pathfinder achievement, and I still haven't leveled another character to 110. This is by far the slowest I have ever proceeded in any WoW expansion since I started playing, and of course it makes me mildly depressed. I have really liked the expansion so far, and the fact that it will probably mostly remain unexplored for me is NOT cool. Oh well, let's just hope I have time to even log in this weekend.

Going to quit my complaint session now, and try to actually get something done. Good thing I bought this laptop though, it has been really helpful when it comes to saving some time and getting a bit more done "on-the-move". That's something I really need right now.

Monday, March 20, 2017


So nothing spectacular has happened these last few weeks, the most notable thing is probably me getting a new laptop. Or well, used of course, but new to me. It's a small one, 12" screen Asus Eee PC. There were a few reasons why I chose this particular laptop. First of all, my old laptop is extremely slow, heavy and just a hassle to bring anywhere these days. I felt I needed a good laptop though, since I will be moving around quite a lot this summer, and also because of schoolwork and such. This particular model has slightly better specs than you would usually find in a laptop this size and age, so I am actually able to play some games on it. Yeah, WoW runs(barely), and some older Steam games as well. It also has decent battery life, even though it's an older model. So far I am quite pleased with it, it still feels like it was worth the price I paid.

I'm also in the process of getting new parts for my PC, I just need to save in a little bit more money. Already ordered the new casing, it's white and lilac with a window on the side. I'll probably put up a pic or something as soon as it is ready. Might take some time though, depends on how fast I get the parts I'll order from Ebay.

I have been playing this Steam-game called Deathspank lately, and I'm planning on making some sort of video thingy out of it. Not a full playthrough, but maybe just a few zones or something like that. We'll see, no time for that now. I'll maybe be able to play some tomorrow in the afternoon, let's hope so. Anyway, I really need to go to bed now, or else I'll fall asleep right here by the computer.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Don't do milk

I recently had a week off school, and that meant I had some time for gaming. The first thing I did was play Heroes of the Storm so I could receive the Primal Flamesaber in WoW. It was really nice to play some HotS again after such a long break, it would be awesome to be able to play more often. Anyway, after that I decided to do some archeology with the DK so I could get Spirit of Eche'ro, a ghost moosemount. The quest took me a few hours of running around Highmountain and collecting fragments from the dig sites, but in the end it was really worth it, because the mount looks awesome. So all in all I had a semi-productive weekend there, two new rare mounts..!

Today I also quested with my warlock, and he is now finally level 101. Wow, that really took me ages, but I hope it'll go faster now that I am one level on the way. Also had time to play some Overwatch, it's really cool to finally own the game, and even better when I got it for free ;)

So lately I have solely played Blizzard games, which is totally okay, but I need to pick some of my other games and try to make a full playthrough. Not sure yet which one it'll be, I'll tell you later. I would really need to upload some new content too, let's see what I can make happen. Until then, enjoy my cool new mounts..!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The End of Time

I got a very pleasant e-mail from Blizzard a few weeks ago, and at first I thought it was some scam message. It stated that I had received a free copy of Overwatch, and after a little bit of research I found out that it was indeed totally legit, and I now have the game. Wow, finally something after all these years of monthly payments. I'm really happy with this at the moment, but I have been busy with school these last few weeks(surprise!), so I haven't had time to actually play the game before tonight. I decided to try out a healer, since I mostly play offensive heroes, and Ana seemed interesting. Indeed, I played quite a few matches with her, and I'll probably practice more some other day this week. I think she has a good balance of healing well and also dealing quite some damage.

I also played some WoW today, still in Suramar, still grinding rep and doing those looong quest chains... I know I should also probably continue on leveling my warlock, it's starting to get a little bit embarrassing to say that I only have one max-level char. But there is no time, and further along in the Spring I will be even more busy. Oh well, at least I finished Postal Redux and also wrote that review, so at least something gets done once in a while...

I'm really tired after a kind of heavy weekend, so I'll just go to bed now. Hopefully I'll have time for some gaming later this week, maybe Wednesday if I'm lucky. Cya.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Worst of the worst

Nope, I haven't really had much time for gaming these last few weeks. I did manage to play through the main campaign in Postal Redux though, and I am going to make a review on it as soon as I play the "extra" levels as well. I actually didn't think it was going to be that short, but I guess it suits me well since I have a tendency to drop out on games around 20-30 hours or so. I played on medium difficulty the first time, that took me maybe two hours, but I'm currently doing a re-run on hard difficulty. It's actually nice to play a short game for once, and it was pretty fun as well. Yeah, I promise the review will be up really soon.

Today I played some WoW as well, after a little break. Did some world quests, blacksmithing quests and also a dungeon so I could get itlvl 840 boots from there. It was also the perfect opportunity to try out my new gaming mouse, which arrived in the mail today. My World of Warcraft gaming mouse(that I have used for the past 4 years)has been pretty broken for some time now, the left mouse button being worn out and the scroll wheel not working properly. I have tried to fix it a few times by taking the mouse apart, but at this point small adjustments doesn't work anymore. I'm a little bit sad since it has been a great mouse, but so far I like this new one a lot. It's a cheap Chinese thing that I got off ebay, a Luom G5. Let's see how it performs in different games, I have only tried WoW so far.

Time to go to bed, there's a million dumb things to do tomorrow and so little time.

Saturday, January 7, 2017


It's a new year again, and it really started with a bang. Now my Christmas holiday is coming to an end, and I have mixed feelings about going back to school. I'm just afraid it's going to be extremely heavy again. It also means I have to reduce my gametime to almost zero again, it has been so awesome to be able to play during the holidays. I have played WoW quite a lot, still trying to finish those goddamn Suramar questlines. Today I also did the Diablo 20th anniversary event, which involved Treasure Goblins and The Cow King. I did some quests with my warlock too, but I really have to say that it's not going to be too easy to level him, he is extremely squishy at the moment...

Besides that I have played a lot of Wolfenstein: The New Order. I guess I haven't even gotten half-way through yet, but it seems pretty okay so far. Since this is not really a type of game that I normally play, it can feel a little bit frustrating at times, but still very enjoyable. I am only playing at medium difficulty and have already died a million times, but still I do not want to stop playing. Guess it is a good game then. The story is of course very intriguing, you know the nazi stuff and everything. I really hope I have time to play all the way through, so I can make a review later.

So to sum it all up, it has been a great holiday, and now I'm starting to feel anxious about school on Monday. Meh, good times won't last forever. I just hope I'll survive next week without too many breakdowns.