Monday, October 22, 2018

I Hate Mondays

This weekend I went to a gaming convention near my hometown. It wasn't maybe the biggest event ever, but very rarely something like this happens near where I live, so I kind of had to go. The main thing I actually wanted to see was the Overwatch tournament, but just as we arrived, the tournament was over... Every time I try to do something, I swear. Well, we walked around and checked out some other things. There were of course a lot of merchandise and gaming accessories, but they are usually pretty expensive at events like this, so I didn't buy anything. There was a sofa with a small screen and Mario Cart 64, and we sat down and tried it out. I haven't played this particular Mario Cart before, and I'm not sure what to say about it. First of all, I am not sure if my controller was broken or not, but it felt like my characters were extremely hard to steer. The analog stick was really loose, so I suspect everything wasn't alright(I googled this afterwards, seems like this is a very common problem with N64 controllers). We walked around a bit more, there was also a long table with a lot of people playing Super Smash Bros, both Melee and the latest one. Then we watched a Tekken 7 tournament, and played some CS:GO in the PC section. Overall a nice little event, but I'm still pissed over the fact that I missed that Overwatch tournament.

I have been playing more WoW these past weeks, just grinding world quests and doing some dungeons and island expeditions. I just need a little bit better gear, and I'll be able to queue up for Uldir. I also played a lot of Overwatch during the weekend, the Halloween event is up right now. Otherwise I have unfortunately been busy with a lot of other things lately, even though I had a week off from school, I barely had time for any gaming...

One cool thing though, I bought a fantasy board game at a local flea market last week for a really small sum. It's called Realm of Wonder, and we tried it out quickly just the two of us. It seems pretty interesting, but there are a lot of things to remember while playing. If we have time, we'll play another round this week. Maybe I'll need to make a new section for the blog soon, we have also ordered a Fallout board game...

Friday, October 12, 2018


Now I have finally been level 120 in WoW for a while, and I can gladly say that the content is still interesting while at max level. There is a lot of grinding though, world quests and azerite stuff, but so far it hasn't become too boring or tedious. Plus, grinding is kind of a characteristic of WoW, so I really don't think it needs to be complained about anymore. I have tried out a few more dungeons now, and I can still say the majority of them seem a lot more fun than in the previous expansion. The first raid is open now, Uldir, and I hope I get to try it out soon in LFR, just have to get a little bit better gear first.

I have finished the review for Fire Emblem, just need to publish it now. The thing is, I thought I would make a whole new section on the blog for console games, so that's why it has taken more time than usual to actually finish the process. Meanwhile, I decided to start playing Pokémon Crystal again on my phone. I know I was supposed to play a GBA game, but I kind of just fell back to this one. I might play another game alongside it too, who knows if I have the patience. But I haven't really made a review on any Pokémon game yet, even though I have put so much hours into them as a kid, so why not make something out of my favorite game in the series?

On Saturday we are going to play some PS1 games at a friends place, going to be fun. I have my own PS1, but it's still in a box since we moved, and I don't really want to unpack it yet since our "gaming room" isn't really finished. I'll probably post a pic or two once it's done though, when ever that will be... Laterz!