Thursday, July 26, 2018

Breakfast at Tiffany's

This month has gone by so fast, and it has been extremely hot outside for at least three weeks. Not the perfect gaming weather, especially if you don't have air conditioning. I have managed to play some Fire Emblem again while riding the bus, and I'm now at the third to last chapter. The battles are becoming very difficult, and I'm not really sure how and if I'm going to get through this last part of the game. None the less, it has still been an interesting game, and I can't wait to make a review on it later.

During the Destiny 2 free weekend I had a lot of time to try the game out, and it seemed very interesting. I recorded some video, so I might have time to put up a video later. I promised myself not to get too attached, but it was a really intriguing game. I hope to be able to play it sometime later, but right now I don't have the money to buy it, and Battle for Azeroth is just around the corner. So I'll have to put this on ice for the time being.

Otherwise I haven't had that much spare time this last week or so, since we finally moved into the new house, and there's so much to do right now. My new computer desk and chair seem very nice, so that's a big plus. Unfortunately there is still some junk in the room that is supposed to hold all our retro consoles and game merchandise, so I'm going to have to wait a little bit before everything is in order. I'm very pleased with all of this, but I'm still working two jobs, so it's very hard to manage time right now. It seems like I'll have everything in order right in time for BfA though, so I just can't wait for that week to come. If you think it's hot right now, just wait until 14th of August..!

Sunday, July 8, 2018


Today I got a little bit of stuff done, finally finished the Blue Estate review. Yey me. I have also realized that the Battle for Azeroth pre-patch is only a few days away, so I kind of panicked and looked up things I needed to get done. Nothing too alarming, the only thing I feel quite stressed out about are the artifact appearances from the Mage Tower. I don't think I'll be able to beat the challenges anyway before pre-patch, but I'll give it a go. I also read up about this hippogryph mount that I would like to get, the Long Forgotten Hippogryph, but it seems like chasing it is not that easy or fast.

Otherwise I think I'll just welcome BfA, I still feel quite sad about the fact that I didn't have more time to spend on Legion, but I really can't do anything about that anymore. I am also quite upset over the fact that I ordered and paid for a pre-order box of BfA over two months ago, and I still haven't received it... When I asked about it last week, the store just told me that it's not in stock right now, and they don't know when they'll get it. Needless to say, I cancelled that order, and now my box is hopefully finally on its way from another store. Well, I wouldn't have had time to play anyway, so I guess it's not that big of a disaster.

I noticed it's free weekend for Destiny 2 right now, so I downloaded it today, and have had time to play a little bit. Seems really interesting so far, but I can't afford it anyway, so better not get too attached. Hopefully they'll have more free weekends in the future. Anyway, I need to go to work now, going to get late again. Cya!