Friday, December 29, 2017

Only shadows now

Christmas is over once again, this year was a good one. Nice presents, including a lot of game-related stuff that I'll show later. For example, I have a new keyboard, a Roccat Ryos TKL Pro. It feels cool to have a mechanical keyboard, and overall it's good to play with. Another big thing is the Nintendo Switch, which my SO got as a Christmas present..! Remember how I thought I'd never be able to have one of those..? Well, it's not mine really, but I get to play mostly whenever I want :) The game he got is Zelda: Breath of the Wild, which is awesome since I love Zelda games. Sadly all the good games for the Switch are still very expensive, so I guess we'll have to wait a while before we have more of them.

This Christmas holiday has been mostly dedicated to Overwatch and WoW, and almost nothing else. Tried out this game on Steam called Path of Exile, not too bad. In WoW I have done some Christmas stuff with the DK, and also leveled the Warlock a bit. Overwatch has been number one, and I was planning on making a video featuring the Mei's snowball thingy that is an arcade option right now. Sadly I haven't really got any cool Christmas skins yet, even though I have opened many loot boxes. Oh well, the holidays are not over quite yet.

Soon it's New Years Eve, and next week is probably going to be a bit more busy. It kind of feels like this holiday was way to short, I haven't had time to charge my batteries as much as I would have wanted to. Let's see what next year brings, shall we..?

Tuesday, December 5, 2017


And so a month went by again, this time I have barely had time to breathe. The last two weeks have been so intensely full-scheduled with schoolwork, that it feels surreal to actually sit down and be able to do literally ANYTHING else. I still have some schoolwork and a few tests left before Christmas, but at least I can say that the worst is over. On Sunday I had time to sit down and play WoW for the first time in a while, and it was truly awesome. Been doing some Argus stuff, and just generally continuing with the story line.

On Saturday I also had the opportunity to try out Nintendo Switch, while we were visiting a friend. Super Mario Odyssey was the game, and I have to say I really liked the little bit that I got to play. It reminds me so much of Super Mario Sunshine, which was the first game I got for my Gamecube as a kid. I haven't really had any real interest in buying a "new" console for a long time, but the Nintendo Switch is something I feel quite excited about. The problem is the massive price tag, and I suspect this will prevent me from eventually buying it, until maybe when it's already gone "retro".

To celebrate that I have time to be a human again, I'm currently in the process of adding a little Christmas surprise to the blog. It's not really anything big, but I just thought it would be a fun thing to do since I have been adding content so sparsely to this site during the last year or so. Let's see if I can finish it tonight, need to play some WoW as well. Cya..!