Wednesday, July 12, 2017


So I haven't really sat that much by the computer these last few weeks, but I actually have played console for once. We got to borrow my brothers Wii U and Mario Kart 8, and I really have to say it's a fun game. It was ages ago since I played any Mario Kart game, and this one didn't let me down. Nintendo still knows how to make cute, fun and addictive games, while not making it too easy or "childish". I do get a bit aggravated if I lose, I'll admit that, but it's not like chairs fly or anything like that. Just a few curse words, that's it. Well, we had to give the console back on Friday, and I'm kind of missing that game... I have Mario Kart Wii lying around here though, so I just need a Wii console and then I'll be back in the circuit.

I didn't have work tonight, so I played some WoW, just fooling around with the DK again. I can happily announce that I got my first random legendary drop today, Lana'thel's Lament. So things are moving forward a little bit, I'm also very close to get my factions to revered, just need to do some more Wardens quests. I also had time to play some Overwatch, although I have to say the queues can be a little bit long at this time in the morning. Oh well, that's expected, I guess. Anyways, I really have to go to bed now, got a full schedule tomorrow. Laters.

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