Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Where do you want to go?

A few more weeks has passed, not much has changed, unfortunately... It's slowly starting to get warmer outside, even though the nights are still cold, and I sure as hell can't put away my winter clothes yet. I'm tired all the time, and I don't get stuff done, so I guess all is normal then... One thing that I did today though was test out the video capturing device I talked about earlier. The first thing I noticed was that it doesn't connect to my Xbox. Great. Then I tried it with my Gamecube, and it actually worked straight away, which surprised me quite a lot. Unfortunately the quality was pretty fucking potato, but this was expected since it was a cheap device. Anyway, this didn't help me at all, since I mainly wanted to record from my Xbox. I guess I'll have to come up with some solution for this.

Another big thing is of course the release date for Legion, which was announced last week. So August 30th is the big day, and it was maybe a bit later than I expected. But it really doesn't bother me, since there is a lot I still want to do in WoD, and the summer months are mostly pretty hectic for me anyways. So all in all it's good timing, way to go Blizzard. Haven't pre-ordered yet though, but I'll probably do it now that I know the exact release date.

I have played quite a lot of Fallout 4 lately, and I have finally progressed some in the main questline. Not dropping any spoilers here, but the huge plot-twist with Shaun and the Institute was really mind-blowing... It almost feels like a completely different game once you find out about it. I don't even know if I'm okay with it, the story kind of took a little hit there. We'll see how it progresses from here, at least it made things interesting enough again...

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The Beautiful People

There has been so much going on lately, I don't even know how to sort it all out... Spring has already started, and that means that there's a loooot of stuff to do. I have had some time for a few games though, mostly WoW of course. I have done a few achis, and I also picked up that legendary quest chain again. I also continued leveling my shaman, she is lvl 95 soon. So very basic stuff, but still some progress.

This last week I have also started playing Final Fantasy 13-2 again. I got it when it was pretty new, but I didn't play many hours before I put it down. The reason was that I didn't understand the talent and battle system, so I got overwhelmed by the difficulty of the game right in the beginning. This time around I read a few guides, and it seems a bit clearer to me now. The game is still very difficult, at least for me for some reason... I have played on easy the whole time, and still I have had a lot of trouble with some bosses. I know these games are not supposed to be easy though, and you really feel like a king when you finally down that goddamn boss. I am only about 8 hours or so into the game right now, let's see how it develops. I really like it so far, but if it keeps on getting much more difficult, I might have to put it down again...

Anyway, I ordered a capturing device today, so it should probably arrive pretty soon. Then I'll hook it up and hope that the quality is acceptable... I'm a bit afraid about that, because it was a cheap one. But I can only blame myself for that, I guess. Yeah, I am going to have to go to bed now, it's almost dawn here.