Sunday, April 29, 2018

The Rest Of My Life

I'm going to keep this one pretty short, since I'm leaving for work soon. Been occupied the last few weeks with a lot of tests and assignments, because the semester is ending and I have to get as much as possible in order before the summer break. I have had time for a little bit of gaming, mostly Blizzard games though. In WoW I have leveled a bit with my priest, and done some LFR with the DK. I am just trying to collect a bit of Legion achievements before the next expansion, and I also continued a bit with my Loremaster grinding while waiting in LFR queue. Also played some Overwatch, the Retribution event has been going on for a few weeks now, and I have been hoping for some cool skins in my loot boxes. None yet though, and the event ends tomorrow...

I also played a few games of Hearthstone recently, which I haven't done for quite some time. I mostly logged in just to claim a few free packs, but I ended up playing a bit also. If I really wanted to get back into the game, which I played quite frequently 3-4 years ago, I would need to put some time into crafting a few good packs. Other than Blizzard games, I played Mario Kart on the Switch a few days ago. Besides just the normal races, I tried out the Balloon Challenge. It's really fun, but I just can't seem to NOT get hit all the time by some other player. Most of the time it's a crazy mess of things and NPC:s flying around everywhere, but it's still really entertaining. I just have to try to get that gold cup.

Now I really need to leave, or I'm going to be late again. Cya laterz!

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Ugly kids

Been super busy again, mostly with schoolwork. Spring is kind of around the corner, which means a lot of activities outside, and less time for gaming. I have been more inspired with WoW than usual lately, and I picked up leveling with my alliance priest as soon as I finished with my warlock. Now that we have got a release date for Battle for Azeroth, I really need to make a comprehensive plan for pre-expansion activities. There are a lot of things that I would like to get done in-game before the release, but will I have time for that?

I have played more Overwatch of course, and yesterday the event Retribution was released. Unfortunately I had to go to work so I didn't have time to try it out, but maybe tonight. I have started playing Reaper and Sombra again after a little brake, seems to be working out kind of okay. Another game that I tried out again after a looong brake, is Torchlight II. I played it quite a lot maybe 3-4 years ago, and I really liked it.

I bought a new phone lately, so that kind of paused my Fire Emblem progress for a while, since I had to work a little bit to get my old save file from the previous phone. It all worked out though, so I can continue playing from where I left off, which is a huge relieve, since I don't think I would have bothered to start all over again. So the game is divided into a few separate "chapters", and I have only completed the first one so far. It instantly got a lot harder as I progressed into the second chapter, but it is still fun and intriguing. I'll continue playing whenever I have time, maybe I'll finish the game before summer..?