Sunday, October 15, 2017


A month has gone by surprisingly fast, and I have been extremely busy the whole time. School has of course consumed most of my time, but somehow I have still managed to free some gaming time here and there. I finished my Argus quests in WoW, and now I'm currently just grinding rep with Armies of Legionfall so I could finally get that flying unlocked. Next week I'll have some more free time than usual, so let's see what I can make happen.

I also had time to upload my first Fallout: New Vegas video, and I have already recorded material for the second one. I managed to recover the in-game audio in the first video, but the audio and video isn't really synced towards the end of the clip. I was way too tired to try any solutions for this, so I guess we'll just have to live with that. Otherwise I have also played a lot of Overwatch lately, and today I tried Zenyatta. Things went really well, and I'm glad that I have finally found a healer that I can actually play somewhat okay. I have also played a lot of Rage lately, and yesterday I fired up Crash Bandicoot 2 on emulator.

So that's relatively short about what has been going on the last month, and I'm just going to cut it right here since I really need to do some chores before I go to bed. Bye!