Sunday, May 24, 2015

Party Poopers

So lately I have been quite busy with various other things than gaming, summer is just behind the corner and there is a lot to do. But there is only one week left of school, and after that I start working almost immediately. Which means that I have a little more free time, since my schooldays usually are a lot longer than my workdays will be during the summer. So I hope I will have time to finish all those videos that I have been planning on making for a while now.

Anyways, I did buy DuckTales Remastered on Steam a few weeks ago, a nice little game that is really worth the money. It's maybe not the longest game ever, you can play through it in an evening if you want to, but if you really want to complete it 100%, it will take a lot longer. And besides, it's actually kind of nice to play a shorter and "lighter" game once in a while.

In WoW, I decided to pick up my warlock again, and actually try to get him to lvl 100... A few levels left. With the DK I have only been doing daily stuff and garrison activities.

But oh well, now it's just one more week of hell and then I can finally relax for a little while.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

The last stand

Well, well , well... If it isn't Children's Week in WoW again... I almost forgot about it, noticed just yesterday that this goddamn week almost passed for me. I checked my old blog posts, and yes, two years ago I wrote about this very same world event... Last year it seems like I missed this thing since I didn't write about it, but this year I decided to try this again, and... Well, I made it! Fucking yeah, the Children's Week achievement is mine!

For PvE players this is pretty much the hardest, and therefore the most hated achievement in What A Long Strange Trip It's Been, because of School of hard knocks. You have to complete four different things in four different battlegrounds. If you are really unlucky and have bad teams in your BG's, this can really take you a looong time... So this morning I started grinding BG's, first I tried out Alterac Valley. Didn't go well, I wasn't able to cap any tower, so after that one was finished I tried Warsong Gulch. Here I made a FATAL mistake, and I was so pissed about this that I almost thought of giving up. I . FUCKING . FORGOT . TO . SUMMON . MY. ORPHAN. Yes, I did it. It was in my second game of WSG, I actually managed to return the flag, and just as I did it, I realized the goddamn orphan was not out... So that one was wasted. Don't EVER do this, you will be so pissed... I somehow managed to carry on after this(making sure the fucking kid was out ALL THE TIME), and after about 5 or 6 more games, I returned the flag again, and this time I succeeded.

Because I already had one of these from earlier years(the Arathi Basin one)I only needed two more after this. So I went into Eye of the Storm and was prepared for a whole evening of grinding... And what do you know, I capped the flag in my first game! I was lucky here, we happened to have a good group with lots of people doing the same achievement, and it went really well with taking turns who got to cap the flag. Most of our team was really helpful, and I think everyone who needed the achi got to do it eventually. This went very smoothly. So then I entered Alterac Valley again. And I would never have guessed that this one would succeed immediately. I just ran with the group, went past a few towers, and then I went straight up to one, capped it without problem, and the achi was done! Wow. I'm so relieved now I don't know what to do.

I know there has been so much whining over the years about this achi and how hard it is, but I really have to say, once you have completed it, it feels awesome. It's not impossible, it mainly comes down to luck and how good group you have. But if you are really unlucky, and also don't have a lot of gametime to spend on this, it could easily take a few years.

Sooo, after this really long post, I can say that there is only one more world event for me to complete, and that is the Midsummer one. So, I have to play some this summer, no matter how nice weather it is outside...