Sunday, December 28, 2014

Wind Of Change

So, this years Christmas has just passed, and now I'm sitting here waiting for New Years Eve. I have had so much to prepare before Christmas this year, so I have barely had time to game. Since I hit 100 with the DK I haven't had time to do any dungeons or raids, I have only concentrated on completing the Merrymaker achievements. I am determined to complete it this year, and there is only two left, but they are the most annoying ones. Other than that I have only been doing the garrison daily quest for apexis crystals, and follower missions of course. As soon as I get that goddamn Merrymaker I will start doing dungeons and gear up...

On another note, today I checked my mail, and noticed that I have finally received my Heroes of the Storm alpha invite..! Downloading it at the moment, but I think I will check it out tomorrow. I have really been waiting for this, I signed up way before the alpha even was up. I know the closed beta is going live January 13th, so I probably am amongst the last ones to get invited to the alpha... Anyway, I hope Blizzard succeeds with this one as well.

Good night.

Monday, November 24, 2014


As someone might suspect, I have been playing only WoW since the launch of Warlords. Well, I actually had to wait a day longer than a lot of people since I ordered the cd-version and the mail was late. Anyway, I have been leveling in a slow, but steady pace. I have liked everything so far. I am now level 96 with the DK, and as soon as she hits 100 I will probably carefully start leveling the warlock as well.

As mentioned, I don't really have anything to complain about so far. The quests haven't been too boring, and the zones are really beautiful. I have somewhat started to get the whole garrison thing, and it's not at all as corny as I imagined. The only thing I can complain about is that I haven't had more time to play since the launch...

Lok'tar Ogar!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

A blast from the past.

So, today was my birthday, and I'm one year older again. It was a really nice day, thanks to my other half, who got me a very nice present. Now, most people would probably not understand this present at all, but for me it was golden. My very own Gameboy Advance. At some point a while ago I told him that I always wanted one when I was a kid, but never got one. I had the original Gameboy, and the Gameboy Color, so naturally I wanted a GBA as well. For my 11th birthday I got a Gamecube instead, so at that point I kind of forgot about the GBA.

Anyway, so I got it today, but naturally I don't really have any games yet. The only game I own for the GBA is Pokemon Ruby, which I bought as a kid and was able to play via the Gamecube with the Gameboy Player device. I also asked my little brother if he happened to have any GBA games, and he had only one, Happy Feet. So I borrowed it, and now those are the two games I have. Ofc I can play any of my old Gameboy games on it as well, but that's not why I wanted the console in the first place... Included in this birthday present is also a GBA game of choice, so I am going to have to do some research to find some good game that I want to play, and hopefully to a reasonable price. Old Nintendo cartridges can be pretty damn expensive in some cases...

Yeah, yeah. "Oh my god you can download pretty much any GBA game and play it on PC." Ofc I can do that. But that's just not the same thing as the real deal. This was a GREAT birthday present, that's all I have to say.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

I'm a poor, lonesome cowboy

It's Sunday evening and a new week is about to start. Yay, what a lovely feeling. About as lovely as getting hit by a car or kicked in the head. Since patch 6.0.2 hit I have been playing almost solely WoW. I finished the new quest hub in Blasted Lands in like an hour, I was a little bit disappointed about that there wasn't more quests. I have not done Upper Blackrock Spire yet, but I will before WoD hits. I have mostly been trying to do older achievements, mainly those connected to Loremaster. Someday I will get it. And I would already have completed Loremaster of Pandaria and Cataclysm if it weren't for all the goddamn bugs. I have a few quest lines left in both Kun-Lai Summit and Twilight Highlands, and at the moment I can't continue because of bugged quests. This seriously pisses me off, btw. I have confirmed that other players are experiencing problems with these as well, so it's not just me. I have submitted the bugs to Blizz, but who knows when anyone there will have time to correct something like this with the new expansion just around the corner. Crap, crap and crap. Here's a picture of Missy in Vashj'ir(I did some quests there today).

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Into the basement.

Sooo, right now I'm sitting and waiting for to patch WoW to 6.0.2, and I'm freaking out a little bit, I am so excited. I probably don't have that much time to play before I have to go to sleep, but tomorrow is a whole new day, and I might find some spare time for WoW after all. Watched the info-video about the patch and read the patch notes already, a lot of nice changes..! And WoD itself isn't even live yet... ;) I am of course going pretty straight to Blasted Lands to check out what kind of quests and stuff that has been set up there... And then there is this "special" version of Upper Blackrock Spire that also needs to be checked out. Haven't been this excited about a game for some time.

Okay then, off to Azeroth once again. And soon, it will be all about Draenor... ;)

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

I Made My Bed, I'll Lie In It

Gonna make this very brief again, since I haven't got that much time. Nothing much has happened once again, except for the sudden climate change(it felt like in the middle of the winter this morning), and maybe the fact that I feel more and more stressed out all the time. I need to lock myself into a tiny room with a comfy bed and sleep away a whole week or so, without anyone being able to disturb me. Aaaand that is never gonna happen. Anyway, I have been playing some more Divinity, I should be about half-way trough the game now, and so far, so good. The battles are gradually becoming a bit harder perhaps, but nothing I can't handle. Enjoying the game and what not. I have also actually managed to make some videos out of the Dust gameplay that I have had lying around for some time. But I still have material left for maybe one or two videos, as you probably already know you can only upload 15min videos to Youtube if you are a "regular" user. So, yeah. I'll maybe make those final videos happen and I'll upload them all at once.

Seriously, gotta go. I'm gonna be so fucking tired tomorrow... Fucking fuck.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Code Red!

Just thought I would make a short update, just to prove that I haven't(yet)died in an horrible accident. As a matter of fact school started in the beginning of August, and I have just been too busy with all kinds of crap since then. School takes way too much of my time, so that's poop. The past few weeks I have pretty much played only one game, and that's Divinity: Original Sin. Very nice, old school RPG. I have been trying to use guides as little as possible and try to figure out things on my own, but it is a pretty challenging game in its own ways. But I really like it, the turn-based battle system works very well, the environment is beautiful, the items and spells are very diverse. I have to admit I haven't got that far in the game yet, but I really don't think it will get bad from here. Very entertaining game, and I think it's a good substitute while I'm waiting for Warlords of Draenor... ;)

Friday, July 18, 2014

The bug-killers

So here I am again, sadly. Just did some leveling with my alliance priest in WoW, planning on getting her to 90 before WoD. I have also been doing a lot of quests on the Timeless Isle with the DK, just for fun and getting achis. Although, I am already really fed up with having to grind rep for Emperor Shaohao, it's just so goddamn slow.

Haven't been doing much else than WoW this past week, I got really WoW-sick when I listened to some WoW-themed podcasts at work. And I guess I am going to have to make some "preparations" before the next expansion anyway, that truly is tradition, and also a wise thing to do. That just generally means trying to farm gold, doing achis and leveling alts. That kind of stuff. Even though I haven't liked MoP that much, I still need to do these things to make WoD as enjoyable as possible.

Another thing I need to do, is sleep. Nighty nighty everyone. Here is a pic of my beloved DK on Timeless Isle, wearing one of the "lost pandaren artifacts", the Riverspeaker's Trident.

Saturday, July 5, 2014


Sooo, another week is going by and as usual I have done nothing useful. Great. Well, the blog got a small makeover with a new background and header, but that's about it. Oh, I added a new screenshot in the gallery. Wow. It's from a game that I have been playing quite frequently these past few days, Dust: An Elysian Tail. It's an action RPG with AMAZING artwork. I really recommend this one to almost everyone. It maybe isn't the most challenging game ever, but the game mechanics are very smooth, and the storyline is intriguing. Oh, and did I mention how beautiful everything looks..? On the esthetic side it gets a full 10.

I also got a little bit WoW-sick after watching some streams from the Warlords of Draenor beta. It looks so awsome, at least compared to MoP, and I just can't wait until the release. I am also signed up for the beta, but I'll probably never get an invite anyway...

Yer, off to sleep.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

In the summertime

So, it's the middle of the summer break for me. Been doing a lot of stuff besides gaming, but usually you don't game that much in the summer. Unless it's rainy and cold weather, which it has been for like a week now. Anyway, just to sum up what I have mostly been playing the last month or so; Spiral Knights, Fallout 3 and a little bit of WoW. Spiral Knights is a free-to-play MMORPG on Steam, it's quite entertaining but certainly not a WoW-replacer.

In Fallout 3 I have just been questing, I'm actually starting to approach the end of the main quest. I have to say it's a great game, but somehow I maybe liked New Vegas better. Not sure why, maybe it's because the D.C. ruins is a more gray and depressing place than the Mojave desert. But don't get me wrong, I am enjoying Fallout 3 very much, and I also encountered a quite funny bug that I am planning on making a little video clip of.

In WoW I have been doing some dungeons with my warlock, and I am probably going to do some LFR as soon as I have time. The thing is that I changed spec from affli to destro, and it's working out sooo much better now. I was originally destro when I started the char in Wotlk, but somewhere along the road I was told to change spec to affli. But now I'm back to the roots, and it's awsome.

Anyways, gotta scram. Too much stuff to do.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Stuff of Satan

I have just returned from a refreshing holiday in Norway, very beautiful country. I very rarely go on holidays, mostly because you need money to do that. Anyway, it has been a nice week, and I have at least had a lot of sleep. Which is important to me. So, on the trip in Norway I could naturally not bring along my gaming computer, so I only took the Samsung Chromebook I got as a gift a few weeks ago. A Chromebook is not really a gaming computer, but I found this pretty cool browser MMORPG that I played quite a lot trough out the week. Crystal Saga is the name, and yes, it's one of those free-to-play, not-so-good-looking, cheap rip-offs of other popular RPG's, BUT... It was still entertaining enough when I couldn't play anything else, and it ran nicely on the Chromebook. So if you are in a similar situation and like RPG's, this is a good game in my opinion.

Today I have been playing mostly Fallout NV. I am still doing some of the side quests, but there isn't really that many left, so soon I will be pretty much out of game content. That means I am probably going to try some of the other games in the series, maybe return to the roots with Fallout 1&2, or just step back a little bit with Fallout 3. Haven't decided yet. Anyways, I'm off now. Laterz.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

War never changes.

Now I have been gone again for some time... The usual excuse: too much stuff to do. Actually when I think about it, it's a big fat lie. If I could just focus my time and energy on relevant things, it would be great. But I do admit I probably spend almost two hours everyday on irrelevant crap like Imgur, Reddit and fucking Facebook. Well Reddit is more okay than the other two, because you can actually read some news and stuff from there. Imgur is only for passing time, just scroll trough supposedly "funny" pictures for hours and hours. Facebook... Well, you can probably guess what I think about Facebook... I am not even sure why I still am a member of that crap. It's really just a psychological dilemma; I know that I really DO NOT need to know what kind of food people eat every day, or when they go to the gym. But I STILL can't stay away. It's really tearing on my fragile mind sometimes.

In gaming news; there has been some WoW(doing Argent Tournament quests with the twink atm), Fallout(played trough Lonesome Road and continue doing side quests in the main game), and surprisingly enough some CS:GO. Thanks to my other half, who plays the game quite frequently, I have been doing some deathmatches this weekend. It's okay when you get into it, but I think I will never be anything more than a semi-casual noob in that game.

So, I think I am off to bed now, since it's school day tomorrow... Byes.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Eat something from your foot

Last week I got pretty much hooked on this newly released game called Banished, a city-building strategy game. I literally couldn't stop playing it for many days in a row, but now I have thankfully spent the evening with WoW instead... There was just too much Banished going on at one point, I actually have other things to do. It could also have something to do with the fact that my new town isn't doing too well... It's a interesting game, but to be honest, sometimes the citizens are just TOO fucking stupid... They also make way too much babies most of the time. Anyway, if you are into this kind of game, it is absolutely worth checking out.

Yeah, I have been doing some sort of progress in WoW, my soon-to-be lvl 80 twink is already lvl 77. I also played some Fallout the other day, starting to reach the end of the last DLC now... Anyways, I need to go to bed now, last night I didn't really sleep that much... I present you with a pic of my lovely moo-moo chillin' out in Zul'Drak.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Asparagus was just gonna make a quick post about this stream on Twitch, that is completely hilarious. Well, at least I think so. If you do not watch it and enjoy it, there will be horrible consequences. Also, if you haven't ever played Pokémon Blue/Red, do so immediately.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Banana phone

Played through Dead Money today, finally... After reading other peoples opinions about the DLC, I can only agree. It was mostly a pain in the ass. It was an interesting storyline and the Sierra Madre itself looked great, but besides that I didn't really fall in love with it. The most annoying thing was without a doubt the goddamn exploding collars. I did however get out with a lot of nice items, including some gold bars and the Holorifle.

I'll be putting up a little section about Dead Money on the Fallout page later on, and I'm also going to start one of the other DLC's as soon as possible. Keeping it short today, goodnight.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

More wine, please

Sigh, so here I sit again... Staying up way too late, and I got to get up early in the morning. I'm nervous for tomorrow, I know it is gonna be a terrible day... Even though I want to get out and do something semi-meaningful with my life, I mostly just feel like laying in bed all day, with the curtains shut and a random cartoon playing. I hope it's just a seasonal thing, although I like winter and snow, the lack of proper daylight really makes me somewhat depressed. I am tired almost all the time, I want to avoid social situations to any price, and I feel useless and unproductive. Happy days.

Amongst all this, I at least managed to finish the Fallout page. I am also currently playing through the first expansion, Dead Money. Seems okay so far, but it is a bit harder than New Vegas itself. I have played some WoW too, but mostly just Fallout. It indeed is an awesome game, I can't stop pointing that out...

Okay, off to bed. Have to try to sleep, even though I feel like this will be one of those nights that I will wake up every other hour and have troubles falling asleep again... And as an ending to this mildly depressing post, I'll just throw in some funny pic, which will make up for everything.

Monday, January 6, 2014

New Year, Same Shit

Felt like writing a quickie here, was going to announce that I just played through Fallout: New Vegas, and there is probably going to be some sort of info-page made about the game. All I can say is that it was TOTALLY AWSOME, and that I simply can't remember the last time I felt that excited about a video game. Sad it was over already(around 40 hours of gameplay), but I didn't do anywhere near all of the side quests and exploring that could have been done, so it is possible that I take a round 2 with the game if I feel like I have time. There is also A LOT of different endings to this game, totally depending on the players own actions and what faction you decide to stick with.

Anyways, gotta go, too much stuff to do...