Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Break A Leg

The last month or so I have been playing mostly Diablo IV, which I of course went and bought the first time it was on sale. It is a game that you can easily just jump in and out of, which is great for me who don't have time to play very regularly. I am not regretting buying it, it just felt like a big sum at that very moment. I have just started to get past the content that I already played in the beta, so now it feels extra interesting to see where the story will lead you.

Unfortunately, a week ago, I managed to break my leg, and I have a nice, big cast on it at this very moment. That means I have not attempted to sit by my computer yet, since I am supposed to lie down and elevate the leg as much as possible right now. This has led me to playing console games instead, since I can do that while lying down on the sofa. Currently I am playing Alice: Madness Returns, and this is actually not my first time playing this particular game. Back in 2011 when it was first released, I played the game on the laptop I had at the time. I remember finding it difficult to play with keyboard and mouse, and I stopped playing even before the first chapter was completed. I really liked the atmosphere and characters, but I really didn't have the proper equipment to enjoy it at the time. This time around I am really enjoying the game so far, even though I have to say it has been pretty challenging at certain points. I am sure to make a review of this game, right now I am technically "forced" to have time to play some games because of the leg.

Maybe all of this bad luck still means that I would have a little more time for this blog. I guess you always have to try to look at things in a positive way, no matter how bad it is.