Tuesday, September 17, 2019

They have the family disease

So, since WoW Classic was released a few weeks ago, that's the only thing I have been playing. It's nice to be excited about a game again, but I will probably start playing other games again soon. I guess I wouldn't need to mention that this fall is going to be extremely busy again for me, but I hope I'll be able to fit in some gaming here and there, as usual. School started again, and with it came a lot of homework. I also have a job contract made all the way until next summer, so I suppose that's where my free time will go. On top of everything, this is my last school year, so that means I have some additional stuff to finish up before I can even dream about actually graduating. Busy times, yo.

I chose to play as a night elf druid this time, and I'll probably tank mostly, but I'm not yet sure what will be my offspec. It's either healer or boomkin, but that's a tough choice to make. I'm currently level 21, and I just finished my first dungeon, Deadmines. Leveling has mostly been a lot of fun, but there are of course some things that are different to retail WoW. I have been struggling with gold for example, it's hard to get by, and since you have to buy all your spells and abilities, it gets very expensive. Another thing is the endless running, there are fewer flight paths than in retail WoW, and you do have to spend a lot of time running between different places. I have also been very stubborn and not installed any questing addon yet, so that make things a bit harder. There is only one addon that I really, really had to install to avoid completely going nuts, and that is TomTom, which shows coordinates on the map. Without this I would have NEVER found certain quest objectives.

Anyways, I have been enjoying this old school Azeroth very much, and I'll certainly keep on leveling all the way to 60. I just hope I have time for some other games soon too, it gets a bit mind numbing otherwise. Now I have to go do things again, cya later..!