Saturday, August 17, 2019

Siamese Dream

For once I have actually had time to make some new content, and since my last post, I have even managed to upload 2(!) new videos..! Both are WoW-related though, so I'll try to make something else next. So my latest video is all about WoW Classic though, and since release day is just around the corner, it was important to get it finished fast. As I mention there, I played on the open-for-all stress test, and I have to say I liked it. Up until now I have been avoiding the Classic hype-train, and really not thinking much about even trying it out, but one evening of gameplay was enough to make me think otherwise. I am obviously not quitting "regular" WoW, but I would really like to have at least one maxed out character in Classic, just to see what it's like.

I also finally started writing my review on Disciples II, which I have been postponing for a few months now. I hope it'll soon be ready, and then I can once again decide which game to pick next. I also got a bit further on my Pokémon Crystal, I think my party might be ready for the Elite Four now. I shouldn't be too confident though, I can't really remember how tough they were...

I'm going to keep it a little bit shorter today, I don't really have too much news other than WoW Classic. And since I already talked about that so much for the video, I won't repeat myself more than necessary. I am still not sure what character to pick though, in the stress test I made an orc warlock, so probably not that again. I am not even sure about Horde or Alliance, in one way I would also like to play a night elf... It's going to be a tough choice in any case, but maybe I have it all figured out before the 27th of August..!