Saturday, April 27, 2019

City lights

As you can notice, this last month has been a total roller coaster, and I haven't really had time for the website at all. This is unfortunate, but I hope it will get slightly better closer to summer. First of all, I have been on a two-week work trip to the north, and when I came home from there, it was almost straight away on a school-related trip for a few days. Now I'm finally home, but I still have another little trip to Germany planned next month. On top of that, it seems like I'll be starting a new job next week, so my stress levels have really been through the roof. I also have a few tests that I have to take next month before I can really leave school behind for this semester. So all in all, I have a little push left before I can finally relax for the summer, and start playing games again.

I haven't really been totally without gaming though, while on my two-week work trip I brought my laptop with me and was able to play a lot of Torchlight II for a change. I gathered some material from that, so I might be able to write some review about it later. I also had some time for WoW while being home between trips, and I got interested in the Loremaster achievement again. So I went back to where I left off in Icecrown, and now there's not many quests left before I get the achievement there, and also the Northrend achi on the same time. It feels good questing in the old zones again, I guess I just need a little brake from Zandalar.

One evening we also installed a new mat in our gaming room, so I took the opportunity to sit down and play some Super Smash Bros Melee. It really felt good playing that again, it just never gets really old and boring. Went through a few levels there and gathered some more trophies. I really hope I also have time for the old consoles in the summer. Now I have some stuff to do outside, it's starting to get really warm and nice now, which also means a lot of yard work...