Monday, March 5, 2018

Old School Hollywood

Been playing WoW now for a few days, leveling my warlock, and I finally just hit 110..! So, it only took me about a year and a half... This is what happens when real life gets in the way of your Azeroth master plans. Oh well, I'm just glad we're not at the next expansion yet. By the way, I don't think I have talked about that earlier. So Battle for Azeroth is the name, and there is not really any exact release date yet, but it seems like the latest possible day for this would be September 21st. As usual, I'm really excited about this one, but I'm just a little afraid that I will have even less time to play than during Legion... Which makes me really sad, but let's not talk about that now. So, Battle for Azeroth will bring the level cap to 120, bring six(!) new playable races to the game, new zones for both factions, and a new RTS-style game mode called Warfronts. All of this sounds really exciting, and I am of course going to continue playing WoW and try out this expansion as well. Meanwhile I just want to continue with Legion, there is still sooo much that I have left to do.

Otherwise I haven't had time for a lot of other games, I have played quite a bit of Fire Emblem though. Right now I am in the middle of a bigger battle, and I'm not sure exactly at which stage in the story I am. The main character told me before the fight started that this was the final one, but that seems a bit weird since that would make the game pretty short..? I could of course google this and see if it really is true, but I'll just see what happens and keep it a surprise. Maybe it is a short game, or maybe there is more fighting after this battle, I'll keep you updated about that.

I finished my RAGE review as well, so that's one thing off the checklist. Now I still have a couple of other game reviews in progress, and if I soon finish Fire Emblem, that would be a third one. I hope I'll have time to finish those soon, but unfortunately I think everything school-related will take more and more time as we get closer to summer. Let's just hope I'll not crash before that. Cya!