Thursday, January 25, 2018

Open 24 hours

I managed to survive New Years Eve, and here I sit again. The weather was nice and cold for a few weeks, and now it's back to this grey and muddy shit again. Oh well, at least we had a little bit of proper winter. I even had time to go ice-skating..! School has started again of course, and it seems like I'm going to have to work my ass off again, almost like last period. I hope I'll make it through somehow, I feel so tired already.

I have been playing more WoW and Overwatch as usual, and some Zelda. In Wow I decided to do some achievements and raid a little bit, and I also continued with leveling my warlock. Last week patch 7.3.5 was released, and I haven't really had time yet to explore the new stuff. Scaling world zones, Ulduar timewalking, and a new questline is something I can look forward to.

I have also played some Fire Emblem on my phone, through a GBA emulator of course. In the summer I bought this used Fire Emblem cartridge on eBay, and it worked just fine when I first tested it. It didn't take long before I realized the saving feature was broken, so you can play the game but never save your progress... I really enjoyed it though, so I decided I might just as well emulate it and play it anyway. It doesn't seem too difficult just yet, but I'm only in the beginning, so let's see what happens.

I guess I'll keep it kind of short today, I should really go to bed now since it's very important that I show up at school in the morning for a group assignment. I have been extremely tired lately, so waking up in time is a really big challenge right now. It's just the winter kicking in again, I shouldn't be surprised anymore.