Thursday, June 15, 2017

In Utero

Summer is finally here for real, but I have still actually had time for a little bit of gaming. Continuing with the rep grinding in WoW, I think I only have two factions left to get revered with before I get the achievement. Then I think I'll just continue with the Broken Shore quests, and of course try to level up my warlock. I have also played some more Fallout 4, doing all kinds of side quests and generally just fooling around. I was thinking about getting the DLCs also, kind of forgot they even got released.

I started playing Metro 2033 a few days ago, just because I felt like trying on something new. I'm barely a few hours in, but I already feel like it's going to be an awesome ride. I have wanted to play the Metro games for quite a while now, but I have been a little too scared. However, with time I have gotten more "used" to these kinds of games, so I think I'll manage. Since it also has a post-apocalyptic theme, I have continuously been comparing it with Fallout. This game seems to be a lot more story-driven, and since I played a lot of Wolfenstein this spring, I could almost say it's a pleasant hybrid between that game and the Fallout series. Going to continue the campaign and see if the good vibes persist. If I, against all odds, actually complete the game at some point, I also have Last Light waiting for me.

Now I need to go out in the sunshine and do things. Very depressing, indeed. I don't have work tonight though, so maybe I'll stay up and play all night..?