Thursday, April 13, 2017

Helen Keller! The Musical

Unfortunately I have had almost zero gametime for a few weeks now, and it's not going to get better anytime soon. If this Spring doesn't kill me, I don't know what will. Well, probably drugs and/or alcohol, but that's another subject. I have managed to do something though, I updated the background for the website, and I also organized my pages a little bit so it looks and feels better. I also thought I'd start writing my Jazz Jackrabbit review today if I have time, I'll probably sacrifice some "quality" studying time for that.

It's Easter soon, and I have two days off school. Normally that would mean more time for gaming, but I don't think that will be the case now. Patch 7.2 is live in WoW now, and I haven't entered a single raid yet, not finished the first Pathfinder achievement, and I still haven't leveled another character to 110. This is by far the slowest I have ever proceeded in any WoW expansion since I started playing, and of course it makes me mildly depressed. I have really liked the expansion so far, and the fact that it will probably mostly remain unexplored for me is NOT cool. Oh well, let's just hope I have time to even log in this weekend.

Going to quit my complaint session now, and try to actually get something done. Good thing I bought this laptop though, it has been really helpful when it comes to saving some time and getting a bit more done "on-the-move". That's something I really need right now.