Monday, October 3, 2016


Yeah, I have been playing mostly WoW these last few weeks. I'm lvl 110 and currently mostly grinding world quests and running dungeons. As soon as I have time I will also start leveling my warlock. The problem here is, as usual, that I have had very little time for gaming overall, due to the fact that I have just started studying again and have a lot of school work all the time. I'm also trying to work a little beside all this, so that means even less free time. I'm really trying my best to
balance everything in my life right now, so I hope that soon I'll have time to focus more on games and the blog.

I have actually played some games other than WoW, but very little. I have a phone now where I'm able to play Hearthstone, so I have tried that out a little. I also downloaded a GB emulator, so I have been playing some Pokémon Crystal as well. On Steam I tried out this pretty cool game called Dino D-Day, which is set in an alternate WW2 where dinosaurs are used in combat. I suck pretty badly at the gameplay itself, but I must say I like the concept. I also decided this weekend to return to Blacklight, so played a few hours of that as well. Wow, I can really notice how fast I get "rusty" if I don't play any shooters for a while, need to maintain that better.

Yup, so to sum everything up, I have way too little free time at the moment. I'll just wait and hope that things turn around eventually. Peace yo.