Sunday, December 31, 2023


The year is almost over, but there is still an infinite amount of games left to be played. I have played some more WoW Classic, just one more level and I can finally get out of Outland. I was also finally able to afford flying skill and a mount, yay me. Kind of in a hurry now though, I noticed that Cataclysm Classic is scheduled for late spring 2024, and I haven't even started on WotLK yet... Typical. Oh well, I will try my best and see where that takes me.

During the holidays I also did a co-op playthrough in Octodad: Dadliest Catch, a game that I have had for a long time already. I would also like to try it as single player at some point, but it really was a lot of fun as co-op. It was maybe a little too short, but there seems to be a whole bunch of different achievements to get, so that is probably meant to cover most of the game time. I also recently started a playthrough of Overlord II, a game that I have wanted to do a review on for a while now. I loved the first game, so let's see if the second one is great as well.

For Christmas I also got Pokémon Legends: Arceus for the Switch. Now that is going to be interesting, I haven't played a "new" Pokémon game in ages..! Let's see when I have time to boot that up, probably sometime in January. I guess I'll end my last post of the year here, see you next year then. I know there has been way too few posts this year, I will try my best to fix that in 2024...

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

The Slayer

I sure thought I would have had time for a little more gaming during my little "vacation", but it turns out that even breaking your leg doesn't automatically mean that you would be able to check off everything on your to-do-list. At least not if you're me. I managed to finish two games though, Alice: Madness Returns, and American McGee's Alice. Those two reviews are finished, and I also uploaded some new screenshots. Yay me.

I have also played some WoW, just continuing the level grind in WotLK Classic. I'm not even close to getting out of Outland yet, but at least I was able to progress to the next zone, Blade's Edge Mountains. The progress feels quite slow, but at least the quests haven't been too boring yet, it has been a while since I last quested in Outland.

I was kind of planning to do another advent calendar this year, only this time it is a real, physical calendar and not a virtual one. Haven't really figured out yet how to execute this in best possible way, but maybe I'll come up with something before December starts. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, yo...

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Break A Leg

The last month or so I have been playing mostly Diablo IV, which I of course went and bought the first time it was on sale. It is a game that you can easily just jump in and out of, which is great for me who don't have time to play very regularly. I am not regretting buying it, it just felt like a big sum at that very moment. I have just started to get past the content that I already played in the beta, so now it feels extra interesting to see where the story will lead you.

Unfortunately, a week ago, I managed to break my leg, and I have a nice, big cast on it at this very moment. That means I have not attempted to sit by my computer yet, since I am supposed to lie down and elevate the leg as much as possible right now. This has led me to playing console games instead, since I can do that while lying down on the sofa. Currently I am playing Alice: Madness Returns, and this is actually not my first time playing this particular game. Back in 2011 when it was first released, I played the game on the laptop I had at the time. I remember finding it difficult to play with keyboard and mouse, and I stopped playing even before the first chapter was completed. I really liked the atmosphere and characters, but I really didn't have the proper equipment to enjoy it at the time. This time around I am really enjoying the game so far, even though I have to say it has been pretty challenging at certain points. I am sure to make a review of this game, right now I am technically "forced" to have time to play some games because of the leg.

Maybe all of this bad luck still means that I would have a little more time for this blog. I guess you always have to try to look at things in a positive way, no matter how bad it is.